Friday, 29 May 2009

De Magische Mythe (The Magical Myth) - Episode 1

A My Little Pony fanfiction with awfully short chapters; in Dutch. Based on the old pony-series and aimed at small children

De Magische Mythe
Aflevering 1: De Put - deel 1
©2001 Kitty Ocean and those whoever own My Little Pony

Mizu, Daichi en Seirei zaten in de klas. Het was woensdagmiddag en dat betekende dat het keuze-uur was! Samen hadden ze voor koken gekozen, dat werd gegeven door de oude juf Megan.
Mizu was een meisje met blauw haar en was 9 jaar. Ze zat samen met Daichi en Seirei in de klas. Daichi was ook 9 jaar, maar iets later geboren. Seirei was de oudste van de hele klas. Zij was 10 jaar. Met zijn drieën waren ze de beste vrienden. Ze deden alles samen.
Maar ze hadden meer vrienden. Met 2 andere meisjes hadden ze een clubje opgericht: 'De Avonturiers' en ze gingen altijd samen op onderzoek uit.
De andere 2 meisjes waren Kasai en Sukai, allebei 11 jaar oud. Sukai was nu ook in de klas en zat naast haar vriendinnen. Alleen Kasai was er nog niet.
"Waar blijft ze toch?" Vroeg Mizu zich af.
Sukai haalde haar schouders op. "Ik weet het niet. Ze zei dat ze even naar de wc ging."
Juf Megan stond op en liep langzaam naar het midden. "Zullen we gaan beginnen?" Vroeg ze met haar oude stem.
"Ja juf." Antwoordde de hele klas tegelijk.
Opeens sloeg de deur open en Kasai stormde naar binnen. "Sorry dat ik zo laat be-" Ze struikelde over de stekker van de minioven en trok het oventje van de tafel. Het oventje landde met een klap op de grond. Allemaal sterretjes kwamen eruit. Toen werd de klas helemaal donker.
"Kasai!" Riep Daichi. "Kijk nou eens wat je doet!"
"Nu is het oventje kapot!" Zei Seirei boos. "Nu kunnen we niet meer koken!"
Juf Megan lachte. "Het geeft niet." Antwoordde ze. "Het oventje was oud en volgende week krijg ik een nieuwe. Maar nu kunnen we niet gaan koken. Zal ik een verhaaltje vertellen?"
"Ja!" Riepen Mizu en Sukai. "Leuk!"
"Hè, jakkes." Zeurde Kasai. "Daar ben ik veel te oud voor."
Daichi keek haar aan. "Zeg jij maar niks, jij hebt al genoeg gedaan!"
Kasai zei niks meer en ging in de kring om juf Megan zitten. "Heel lang geleden..." Begon die. "Was er een meisje en die woonde in PonyLand. Daar waren allemaal gekleurde ponies en elke Pony had zijn eigen krachten." Iedereen vond het verhaal geweldig. Gekleurde ponies? En magische krachten? Wauw! Juf Megan vertelde tot het einde van de les over de avonturen van diezelfde ponies en een meisje die Megan heette. "Megan ontmoette haar eerste Pony toen ze op een boerderij werkte. De boerderij staat er niet meer, maar de put, de toegang tot Ponyland, staat er nog steeds!" Toen ging de bel. "Gunst, kijk nou eens." Lachte juf Megan. "Ik was de tijd vergeten. Jullie mogen al weer naar huis."
Iedereen rende de klas uit. Op het schoolplein riep Mizu alle leden van de club bij zich. "Laten we het uitzoeken of het waar is." Stelde ze voor.
"Ja, leuk!" Vonden Sukai en Seirei.
"Ik doe ook mee!" Riep Daichi.
Iedereen keek naar Kasai, wat zou die zeggen? "Moet het echt?"
"Ja!" Riepen de anderen.
"Vooruit dan maar." Zuchtte Kasai. "Ik denk dat ik weet over welke put Juf Megan het had. Er stond vroeger een boerderij vlak bij mijn huis, maar die is afgebrand. De waterput staat er nog wel."
"Laten we gaan!" Mizu rende al weg.
"Wacht op ons." Daichi, Sukai en Seirei renden achter haar aan.
Kasai zette haar handen aan haar mond: "Hé, jullie weten niet waar het is! Wacht op mij!" Toen rende ze er ook achteraan.

Wordt vervolgd

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Misty The Vampire Slayer

Because I forgot to update (sorry XD), two stories! The next one:

Misty the vampire-slayer

By 'Whisper Shadowhunter'/ Kitty Ocean
© Nintendo (their characters) and Kitty Ocean (my characters)


One day, Ash, Misty, Tracey, Togepi and Pikachu reached Shade Island.

"Come back Lapras!" Ash said and returned his Pokémon. "Well Tracey, why are we here?" He asked.

Tracey took his sketchbook and pencil. "At Shade Island, there are a lot of Ghost Pokémon. I would love to draw an invisible one! Look, there's one already!" He pointed into the thin air and started drawing.

Misty looked over his shoulder. He's totally nuts, she thought. She grabbed him and Ash and pulled them away. "Stop wasting time! I want some deserts!"

"Toge! Toge!" Togepi cheered.

Misty whacked Ash and Tracey on a chair and turned to the waiter. "One vanilla ice cream, 2 strawberry ice creams, 9 banana-splits…." While Misty ordered, Tracey started drawing another invisible Pokémon.

Ash gazed at the served deserts and was astounded. He was more astounded when he saw that large mountain of ice cream and cake disappearing in Misty's mouth! He tried to get one little bit of the peach Sunday, but had to avoid a fork.

"Don't even think about it!" Misty growled.

"Toge! Togeprii!" Togepi exclaimed.

Misty's face began to soften and she gave some ice cream to Togepi and Pikachu.

Ash felt his stomach grumble. He wanted some ice cream! Suddenly, a white board appeared before his nose. "What do you think of it?" Tracey asked.

Ash gazed at the white piece of paper. "Well ehm, Tracey, it's ehm, beautiful."

"I knew it! I knew it!" Tracey danced. Suddenly, he sat down with a serious face. "I'll let professor Oak judge it." He gazed at the eating Misty. "Hey Misty, did you know some people thought Ghost Pokémon were vampires?"

Misty looked up. "No Tracey, please, go on while I'm…. Ash, give that piece back!"

Ash pushed the cake inside and jumped up. "You can't get me!" He teased and grabbed some more.

"Give it back!" Misty yelled, armed with a spoon.

While Ash pushed the deserts inside, he ran around the cafe. Togepi cheered, while Misty pursued Ash, holding the spoon high. Tracey didn't care, he saw another invisible Pokémon! But Pikachu got annoyed….

"Pika…. Pikachuuuuu!"

Ash crawled back on his feet. When he turned around, he saw Misty was still lying on the ground. He quickly crawled at her. "Misty, Misty? Are you okay? I was only kidding!"

Slowly, Misty opened her eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay. But I have to get to work." She crawled back on her feet. "Will you baby-sit Togepi tonight?"

Ash looked wondering at Misty. "Okay." he only murmured.

That night, Ash woke up from some noise that came from the room next to him. He lifted himself until he sat in his bed. What could it be? What could be going on there in…? But that's Misty's room, he thought suddenly!

He grabbed his clothes and decided it was the best option if he let Pikachu and Togepi sleep. Quietly, he walked outside his room and looked in the corridor. Everything seemed all right.

"Misty?" He whispered. "What are you doing?" But no answer came. Frightened, Ash opened the door. Astounded, he gazed at Misty who was climbing out of the window!

Ash ran towards her. "No Misty, don't do it! It's not worth it! I'll repay you for those deserts!"

"Ash, what are you doing?" Misty asked. "You know it's my job."

Ash released her and looked at her. "What's your job? And why are you smelling like garlic?"

"Since when can't you stand garlic?" Misty asked. "You know I always use it when I'm going on a vampire-hunt."

Vampire hunt, Ash thought, what is she talking about? Suddenly, he knew what was wrong! "Misty, you are wrong! That electric shock of Pikachu made you think you are a Vampire Slayer!"

"I AM a Vampire Slayer silly." Misty giggled. "But since when does that frighten you?" Ash didn't answer, but just gazed at Misty. What could she be thinking? "Unless you've become a vampire!"

Ash leaped back. "No Misty, I'm not a vampire!"

"Poor Ash." Misty sighed and took a stake. "They grabbed you before I could help you. I told you you shouldn't go out at night without me. You leave me no choice…."

She lifted the stake. Ash didn't knew what to do. Should he scream, should he run? He just couldn't decide what to do and chose for both! Running out of the room, he stormed into the corridor.

Tracey had woken up of the screams, just like Pikachu and Togepi. He opened the door and saw something flashing by. "Ash?" He asked, but than saw Misty. "Misty?"

"I'll get you, you hideous vampire!" Misty screamed.

Tracey ran outside, where he saw Ash and Misty running in circles. "Help me Tracey!" Ash shouted between 2 laps. "She thinks she's a Vampire Slayer because of Pikachu's shock!"

"What should I do?" Tracey asked.

"Tackle her or something like that!" Ash screamed.

"Okay!" Tracey yelled back, but suddenly…. "Wow, an invisible Gengar. Gotta draw it!" He took his sketchbook and forgot all about Misty and Ash.

Ash ended up with his back against a wall. Misty smiled. "How nice you to give me a chance to improve my darts ability. Don't move!" She threw her stakes if she was throwing darts.

In the mean while, Pikachu and Togepi had left the building. Scared, Pikachu looked at Ash and Misty, but couldn't move! Togepi loved the sound of the stakes hitting the wall rhythmically. He waved its little arms forward and back, until they started to glow.

After a huge explosion, Ash opened his eyes. "Thank you Pikachu." He sighed. "You saved me."

"Pika? (I did?)" Pikachu asked. He hadn't done anything, had he?

"Togeprii!" Togepi cheered.

Tracey looked at his sketchbook. "Oh no!" He cried. "I shot out! My drawing is ruined!"

Ash walked at Misty, who was just opening her eyes. "Misty? Are you still a vampire slayer?" He asked.

Misty glazed in his eyes. "A vampire slayer?" She wanted to know and stood up. "No, of course not. Let's go back to the Pokémon Centre okay?"

Ash sighed. "Thank God you're okay again. Come on Tracey."

Tracey sniffed his way back to the Pokémon Centre, while Ash thanked Pikachu (who hadn't done a thing) a thousand times. Misty held Togepi close who had fallen asleep.

In her room, she opened her bag and lay stakes, crosses and garlic on her bed. "Don't worry little Togepi. I'll protect you from that new smart vampire…." She smiled mean. " An other night, an other chance. Tomorrow-night I'll get him…."

The end.

Pokémon ABC - Episode 2

Episode 2: "Just make an appointment!"

By 'Whisper Shadowhunter'/ Kitty Ocean
© Nintendo (their characters) and Kitty Ocean (my characters)


"Look girls, Gary is back!"

The girls started running out of Raindrop Island Hotel were they had been spending the night. Chris smiled. It seemed that Gary wasn't that happy with all these girls pushing themselves upon him. Chris had never seen her little nephew so embarrassed.

"Looks like they missed you." Chris said. Gary tried to get free from the group hug the girls were giving him. "It seems to me you don't like it anymore. What happened to you?"

Gary pushed a young blue-haired girl from him and crawled away from beneath the pink-haired girl. Than he saw the red hair from his niece and he knew he would be free soon.

"You've got to tell them what you decided." She said giggling.

"I'm trying!" He yelled and pushed the violet-haired one away. "Would you please give me some room?"

The girls were surprised. Normally he would say thing like: be gentile with me, there is enough of me to go around. But since he has met his niece again, he had changed indeed.

"What is wrong with you Gary?" The blue-haired girl asked. "Don't you like us anymore?"

"Of course I still like you. It's just…I don't know…not now."

"I think that Gary is trying to tell you that…"

Gary put his hand on the mouth of Chris. "I think you all deserve some rest. You have been cheering for me so well, you need a vacation."

"They don't buy it Gary." Chris said. "He just thinks you don't want to go with him searching for some stupid hidden gym, so he wants you to stay here."

The girls stood still. A deadly silence became over the group. A Pidgey flew over them, but they didn't notice it.

"Pidgey! Pidgey!"

The silence continued. Suddenly, the violet-haired girl came to Gary.

"Gary, you always think of us. You knew we wouldn't like to search, so you wanted us to stay here and have some fun. You are so fantastic! You are the best!"

Suddenly, all the girls cheered for Gary again and Gary regained his earlier arrogance.

"Gary, Gary is the best!
Gary, Gary defeats the rest!
Gary is the greatest of all!

"Looks like your cheerleaders have run out of cheers."

"At least someone is cheering at me. You were fantastic girls, just have a great vacation."

As suddenly the girls had showed up, they disappeared just as sudden. Gary seemed a bit disappointed.

"You thought they would follow you where ever you would go eh?"

Gary looked angry in his niece emerald eyes. She hadn't changed at all. Her taste of clothes did changed, but her playful character had stayed. All his youth memories became real again. He and Chris always left for their own quest when Chris had to baby sit him. He always hated baby sitters, but he liked Chris very much. She seemed to understand him and she was the only one who could make one of his child dreams come true.

"Thinking of the past?" She asked.

"Yeah, do you remember our quest for the purple Sandslash?"

Chris suddenly started to laugh while her memories flouted by.

"Of course, you were so cute when you were 5 years old. You heard grandfather talk about a purple Sandslash someone had seen. And you wanted to find it for him."

"Why did you start a quest with me when you knew we wouldn't find it after all?"

Chris didn't answer. It seemed to her that Gary didn't remember everything. He begged her to look for it. And she couldn't resist his cute and childish looks. The memories of the past filled her with great joy. She looked at him while they were walking to the Pokémon Centre. It was just like when they were young; together they were looking for something nobody could ever find. Though she was about 5 years older than he was, he looked like he had grown to fast. For a moment she wished she had gone home while she could and joined him on his journey. She felt like she had missed a great piece of her life.

"He, where are you with your mind?" A man in a raincoat looked very mad at Chris. She didn't remember this man; he must be a traveller too. "What's wrong with the youth now a days? They don't even apologise when they bump into you."

"I'm so sorry." Chris said sarcastic. "I wished I was a well mannered grown up like you two are."

A woman, dressed in a raincoat too, stood beside the man. She looked down at the two youths. Suddenly she grabbed Gary.

"He, what's wrong with you?" Gary shouted.

"Let him go! What has he done to you?" Chris looked very angry to the two adults.

"Get away brat, you don't have anything that us concerns."

"You have my nephew and that is all what matters to me!"

"Your nephew? Did you hear that? There exists two Oak's children." The woman said.

"Oak's children? What do you mean? Who are you?"

"You want to know who were are? Than prepare yourselves." The man said.

"To protect mankind from devastation." The woman stared.
"To unite everybody within our nation." Added the man.
"To denounce the evil of friendship and love."

"To extend our reach to the moon above..."

They threw off their raincoats, revealing their true looks. A beautiful purple-haired woman and a dangerous looking black-haired man. They went on with their yell.
"And Shane!"
"Team Rocket! Blast off with the brightness of light!"

"We are the best, that's right!"

Chris clapped a bit.

"Very nice. He Gary, they sound just like you."

"Is that an insult or a compliment?" Gary wanted to know. "But I always thought the yell was different. I heard it from two other members of Team Rocket."

Shana and Shane hurried to the boy who didn't seem to be impressed by their origin.

"Who had the nerve to have a different yell?" Shane shouted.

Gary pretended that he was thinking deep. Chris looked at him and tried to hold her laughing. She saw he was making fun of them. She never heard of them and she found the yell 'kinda nice'.

"I think they were called… Jessie…and…" But they interrupted him.

"And James. Those aren't Pokémon thieves, those are losers!"

"If you want Pokémon…" Chris started. "Than you are at the wrong address. I don't have any rare Pokémon with me."

"We don't want Pokémon…" Shana started.

Shane added: "We were sent to get the grandson of Professor Oak. If we could get him, we could demand all Pokémon for a ransom."

"And than the boss will think we are the greatest when we bring him rare Pokémon. How proud will he be when he hears we've even caught his other grandchild." Shana seemed to be in a kind of dream world.

Gary smiled.

"What is the matter kid?" Shane wanted to know.

"You won't find any rare Pokémon there!"

"Why not, he is a Professor. He should have thousands of Pokémon. How sure can you be he hasn't got any rare species?"

"Because…" Chris could see him beam with geniality. "I've caught most of them!"

"Great one Gary! We should remember it! Let's keep it that way!" Chris smiled at Gary. For the first time Gary's arrogance came in handy.

While Chris was exited over her nephew comeback, Shana and Shane weren't that happy. This little kid had ruined their plans within one minute. They looked at each other with an embarrassed look while they were turning red. But they kids before them were very exited. Shane looked at his companion.

"Any Pokémon is better than none." He said. He wanted to get Gary again.

"Oh no, not again! Nidoking, go!" Gary tossed his Poké Ball before him and a large and strong Nidoking appeared.

"Wow, I didn't knew you had Pokémon." Chris said.

"Now that you do, what do you think of him Chrissy?"

"Impressing, but can it do something too?"

"I'll show you! Nidoking, give them a headache!"

"Nido!" The Nidoking roared.

"You want to fight eh?"

Shane looked mysteriously. It scared Chris a bit. What was he planning to do? She looked at the Nidoking. He looked strong, but that didn't matter. She watched at the Poké Ball Shane had tossed before him. It revealed a…


"A Raticate?" Gary looked with arrogance while he said: "A normal Pokémon is weaker than a Poison Pokémon."

"If you are so sure about your case…" Shana walked to Chris. "Let's make it interesting. If your Nidoking can defeat his Raticate, we'll leave you probably alone. If you lose, you both will be in deep shit."

Gary looked at Chris. He saw she was getting afraid of the knife Shana was holding in her hand. Gary didn't expect his fearless niece could get afraid, but he couldn't let her down either. He nodded instead.

"So…" Shane started. "You accepted the challenge. You'd better get your suitcases."

"You should better pack your bags. Poison is stronger than a Normal Pokémon."

"May I interrupt? Gary, don't you know you shouldn't underestimate the opponent because of his type?"

"Thanks a lot for the confidence." He answered sarcastically. "Nidoking, give him your horn drill!"

"Raticate, hyper fang!"

Chris watched with great interest. She wondered of her nephew was as strong as he claimed to be. But she didn't want him to lose. She looked aside and saw the knife. She felt that old shiver again. She has been afraid of knife since she was a little girl. It has even made her paranoid. But, for her and Gary's sake, she couldn't be afraid, so she focused at the fight as a Rattata used his Focus energy.

Gary was astounded. The Raticate of Shane avoided his Nidoking's horn drill! Instead of hurting it's opponent, the hyper fang of the Raticate hurt his own Pokémon. This Pokémon was very strong. He should think about his next move, but he wouldn't have time to react.


"Nidoking!" Gary shouted.

"Nobody can avoid Blood's super fang!"

"What kind of a trainer named his Pokémon Blood?"

"I did! Don't like it? Raticate, do your quick attack!"

"Nidoking, avoid his attack and give him your trash!"

This time, the Pokémon avoided the attack en managed to do some damage himself. The Raticate had a sore defence. The only defence he seemed to know was attacking.

"Nidoking, double kick!"

But the Pokémon dodged away. Gary didn't think any longer and said:

"Nidoking, give him a poison sting!"

Chris was surprised about the fact this Nidoking remembered attacks from its older form, when he was a Nidoran. But the Raticate couldn't dodge away in time so it became poisoned, and that did matter.

"Go Gary…. Oh my God, I'm sounding just like those girls."

"Oh shut up!" Shana said, seeing her partner was about to be defeated. She saw that the Raticate couldn't handle poison that well. Shana tossed Chris away. "Leave the battlefield Shane, now it's up to me! Geodude, just punch this Nidoking to the other side of the world!"


"A Geodude? That will be easy." Gary said vain.

"I know, just let me handle this one." Chris said while she pushed him away. Gary was surprised, but let her have her own battle. He had seen how good she could be, looking at the strength of her Pokémon. She took a Poké Ball out of her pocket and threw it at the battlefield.

"Wartortle! Wartortle!"

Shana started to laugh. She hardly could concentrate at the battle.

"Shane, did you see that? She is trying to defeat us with a little Wartortle."

While Shana rolled over the floor of laughing so hard, Gary wanted to say something to safe his dearest friend's honour. But Chris held him aside. She looked upon the laughing Shane and Shana with a little mean smile. She opened her mouth to give her command.


The little creature reacted instantly and leaped at the Geodude who was also caught off guard because he also thought a little Pokémon like Wartortle couldn't defeat him.


"What…what happened?" Shana said surprised while she looked at her unconscious Pokémon.

"You should have know that water Pokémon are much stronger than rock Pokémon." Chris said with an arrogant smile. "You know the way to the Pokémon Centre? Good, because the Police Office is right across it!"

"Don't think we are done yet!" Shane yelled and he walked to Gary and Chris.

But Chris didn't seem to be afraid. The knife was gone, and it took her fear with it. She patted her Wartortle and than asked:

"Wartortle, would you be so nice to 'help' our new 'friends' with your water gun?"

"War, war!" The Wartortle smiled and blasted at Team Rocket. It was a direct hit!

"We are not through yet!" Shane shouted while he vanished after the horizon.

"Just make an appointment!" Chris yelled while she was waving.

Gary wasn't as happy as his companion was.

"They will come back you know."

"Lighten up dude." Chris said careless. "It will take them at least a day to come back and that will be enough time for us to find that mysterious gym of yours."

She returned Wartortle in her Poké Ball and looked at Gary's Nidoking.

"He is very strong. You have done quite a job ya know?"

Gary only smiled, telling Chris that his Nidoking had become so strong because he was a good trainer. He never changes, she thought. But she knew he was a great trainer with great potential. If he wasn't that conceited all the time, he even would become greater. His arrogance was the only thing that separated him with the power he needed. Maybe, she thought while Gary was returning his Pokémon, he could even defeat that Moonshadow.

"Yes, how can I help you? I'm surprised to see you again Chrissy. Are your Pokémon injured again? Maybe your new training isn't the best choice for them."

"But it is making them stronger." Chris replied. "Now Wartortle and Seel know why they do that attack. Because they know why, they became a bit stronger."

"And I've seen it, so she isn't just babbling in space."

"Thanks Gary, but you are not really helping." Chris said sarcastic.

"Why not?"

"Babbling in space?" She looked at him and Gary felt he became red.

Nurse Joy laughed. "If you become more red, you'd match with Chrissy's hair." Now they started all to laugh and all the other visitors in the Pokémon Centre wondered what happened. "I see you have a new friend Chrissy. Who is he?"

"Nurse Joy, meet my cousin Gary. The Greatest Arrogant Raticate Youngster."

Nurse Joy smiled again, but Gary didn't appreciate his cousin's joke.

"We are here because we are looking for the Ocean Gym." Gary said annoyed.

Nurse Joy stopped laughing and became serious. "Well, if you are looking for that gym, you need at least 3 water Pokémon." She saw the wondering glaze at Gary's face. "I can't help you before you have them."
Gary snapped his fingers. "I'll ask Gramps to transport Krabby."

"Krabby alone isn't enough." Chris said.

"I know, but I can also call because I found you!"

"Calling home…?" She asked frightened.

"Yeah, Aunt Vana will be so pleased to here again from you."

"You mean…talking to my mother?"

To be continued…

Monday, 18 May 2009

Pokémon ABC - Episode 1

Episode one: "It has been ages!"

By 'Whisper Shadowhunter'/ Kitty Ocean
© Nintendo (their characters) and Kitty Ocean (my characters)


She looked upon the new travellers. One boy and a bunch of girls were waiting until their car came rolling out of the ferry. She thought she knew the boy from something, but she couldn't remember it.

She decided to follow them. The boy looked very conceited and the girls adored him. He remembered her of her nephew, which she hadn't seen for 4 years. Even at his young age, Gary was already conceited and a lot of girls were following him. He thought he was a Pokémon Master, but he didn't have any Pokémon.

"Come on girls, we have to get moving."

The boy said. The girls jumped into the car. She knew she couldn't follow them if they were driving. If she only knew what they were planning to do…

"If we hurry, we can get some information at Professor Midol and then go to the mall. You girls have the right to shop."

The girls were obvious very happy. When the car started, they started to sing a yell. She couldn't hear it. But she didn't wonder anymore who the boy was, but what he was going to do at Professor Midol's place. What kind of information did they want? She had to be there earlier, she just had to know.

Suddenly she held back. She knew she was too curious. Although she wanted to know who that mysterious boy was, she would find out in time. Raindrop Island was not that big. She decided to go to the Pokémon Centre to get her Pokémon back.

"Here you are, your Pokémon are fighting fit." Nurse Joy placed the 3 Poké Balls at the desk.

"Thank you." The girl said. She took the Poké Balls from the desk and put them in a little bag that hung at her waist.

"How did your Pokémon get injured?" Nurse Joy wanted to know. "I don't see you here very often. Your Pokémon get rarely injured. And know there were 3 Pokémon at once injured."

She sighed. She didn't really wanted to tell it, but the friendly face of Nurse Joy made clear she could trust her.

"I wanted to train my Pokémon on a different way. All trainers tell their Pokémon what to do, but I want them to think themselves. I think it would make them more stronger."

"I see. And you don't need to worry, your secret is safe with me."

She walked out of the Pokémon Centre. She knew Nurse Joy was to be trusted. She already knew about Moonshadow, and she never told anyone about it. She touched her necklace, a little Poké Ball and a little moon and then decided to head home. She had nothing to do here anymore and if she would stay longer, she would miss the tide. But she also needed some things from the Poké Mart. She found herself in a mental struggle, as always. If she would get the stuff she needed very hard, she would miss the tide and had to swim back trough the cold water. But if she would go and didn't miss the tide, she had to go tomorrow back for the Antidote, Paralyse Heal and all that stuff. And she never knew what the night would bring. What if her Goldeen accidentally injured her Seel, or her Staryu?

While she was thinking, she suddenly saw where she was. Not knowing what she did, she ended up before the Poké Mart. She shook her head. Why must it always be so hard to decide, she thought. But now I'm here, so I'd better get that stuff. It would be a great exercise for me to swim back and my Horsea, Wartortle and Poliwag could use a good swim too.
She stepped into the Mart, not knowing the boy she saw earlier that day, just passed by and stopped before the Pokémon Centre.

"Hi, it has been a long time I've seen you." The old man friendly said.

"I know," She said. "But I hope you are doing just fine."

"Of course, thank you. What would it be this time?"

"I have a whole list, so I'd better just give it Mr. Cram."

Mr Cram laughed. "But why should you? I trust you. Why don't you get it yourself?"

"Wow, thank you Mr. Cram, you're the best."

The old man smiled to her while she got all the things she needed. He wished he had a granddaughter like her, but he only had sons and grandsons. Despite that he considered this little lonely girl as his own, like all the people on Raindrop Island did. She came here 3 years ago with a purpose. She was always friendly and always cheerful, just like a Clefairy.

"Well, that should be all." She said and she put all the things at the counter. But instead of go the cash desk; he handed her over a calculator.

"What's this?" She wondered.

"Well, my little Clefairy, I'll let you charge yourself." She saw the look in his old face. She hated the nickname "little Clefairy", but it made the man so happy that she decided to let him be.

"All right, but you have to check it." She said. Mr. Cram nodded. He knew she could be very insecure, especially when it came to trust. She was always afraid she would disappoint the one who trusted her.

The bell rang, another girl came in.

"Just type it at the cash desk and put the money in it, would you?" He asked to her and she nodded. Mr. Cram went to the girl and asked if he could help her.

She calculated it 3 times and then was convinced she had the right amount. She put the money in the draw and some extra's. That should be enough, she thought. She looked at Mr. Cram and the girl. It was one of the girls who were with that strange boy! That meant he should be in the neighbourhood!

"I'm off, Mr. Cram, thanks again!"

"Have fun, Little Clefairy, and if you hurry you might catch the tide!"

She ran trough the streets. Suddenly she stopped. Why was she running? It was just a boy. But that boy had a strange influence at her, and she wanted to know who he was. She climbed a stairs and walked to the roof. She should be able to spot him from here. But she didn't. For one moment, she saw that girl again. If she would follow her, she would get to that boy. So she followed her and after a while she came at the Poké Cafe. There he was. With his other 5 girls he was sitting and sipping the last water that was in his glass. He greeted the girl and than asked the waiter for the bill.

He must be rich, she thought. Nobody would pay for his groupies. She walked over the roofs until they reached the car. She started to laugh.

"Officer Jenny, what is wrong?" She heard him say.

"I'm sorry young man, but you can't park your car here. I'll have to give you a ticket. What is your name?"

She was getting exited. Now she would here his name and know if she knew him or not.

"I'm Gary Oak." He said proudly, but it didn't affect Officer Jenny. She gave him a ticket.

"That will be 30 dollar." She said while she handed over the ticket. The girls started to cry.

"What is this a cruel world." One girl said. Gary himself couldn't believe he got a ticket. He, the magnificent Gary, got an ordinary ticket!

Suddenly he felt someone pushing him in the back and he fell at the ground.
"What was that?" He shouted and he looked wild around him. But the only thing he saw was Officer Jenny and a bunch of crying girls. He thought he heard something behind him and he turned around.

"What's wrong?" Officer Jenny asked.

"Something is out there." He whispered. Officer Jenny looked around.

"Nothing is th…"

"Hush!" He said.

"Young man, you can't tell me what to do!" But suddenly, within the blink of an eye, a shadow came across and pushed Gary again. Gary was getting annoyed. The girls were screaming.

"Quiet!" Gary shouted. The only thing he could hear was the sound of the wind and some freighted sounds from his fans.

He heard something and he ducked. He grabbed the ankle of the shadow and the shadow fell.

"Well Gary, you sure trained." The shadow said.

"Well I'll be dammed. I could expect it was you. What are you doing here?"

She stood up. "I live here Gary, so what are you doing here?"

"You two know each other?" Officer Jenny asked.

"Know him? He is my nephew."

"In that case, just forget the ticket. Any friend of family of Chris is a friend of this island. But please move the car."

"Shall we go to the Pokémon Centre? I want to catch up with you. Did you become a Pokémon Trainer?" Gary asked while he parked his car.

"I have to go home, they are waiting for me."

"Who are waiting for you?"

"My friends. Why don't you come along?"

Gary looked at his fans. He doubted if he should go along. He knew he couldn't use his groupies while he was catching up with his niece.

"They can stay at The Raindrop Island Hotel." Chris said

"Than I'll come along. You girls just wait for me at the hotel." The girls were exited and were already planning what they would do in their 'day off'.

"I'll go sunbathing!" One girl said.

"Oh, that reminds me off, do you have a bathing suit?" Gary stared at Chris. What did she mean with that?

"That water is cold!"

"You were always a little kid when it came to cold water. You haven't change a bit."

"But you did. Look at that outfit you are wearing."

"What is wrong with my outfit?" she looked at her short shirt and her long and open skirt. She saw nothing unusual.

"It looks like you came from a ship-wreck."

"Thank you so much." She said with a sarcastic tone in her voice. She put off her skirt and folded it and put it in her backpack. A pair of shorts was now revealed.

"We should be going." She said and took her 3 Poké Balls.

"Where do you want to swim to?" Chris pointed at a little island.

"To Tear Island of course. That's where I live. Come on out Horsea, Wartortle and Poliwag!" she stepped into the water with her Pokémon.

"Now listen Christina, you know I hate swimming in cold water!"

"I'll throw a cup of hot water in the ocean when I reach the island, all right?" she said sarcastically. Her nephew didn't change indeed. He still acted like he was 7 years old. Now she was almost 16 years old, she saw the same little boy standing at the side of the beach. She sighed.

"I'll give you a warm cup of soup when we reach the island. It's just a five minute swim." In the mean time, Horsea and the other Pokémon were getting inpatient. They were swimming in circles and wanted to go home.
Finally Gary stepped into the water. Wartortle swam to him and said:

"Wartortle, Wartorle, war war! Tortle Tortle!"

"What is he saying?" Gary asked. But Chris didn't answer and just smiled.
"Well, what was he saying?"

"If you don't move on, it will bite your toes off!" Chris said with a big smile.

Suddenly Poliwag sprayed some water at him. Gary was at first angry, but then he started to laugh and decided that cold water wasn't the worst thing that happened to him. He started to swim.

"Just one question. Are here Gyarados?"

"Not as far as I know. There are here just some Magikarp."

After a few minutes they reached the island. Chris tied her skirt around her waist again and her Pokémon ran off.

"I'll give you some clothes." She said, but she didn't know what to give. So she gave Gary a jacket and some trousers.

"I see you have a lot of Pokémon here." He said and pointed at the Pokémon. "Did you become a Pokémon Researcher?"

"Ehm, ya." She said.

"Wow, if Gramps would know that. We all wondered what happened to you ya know. Why didn't you call sometimes, or write?"

"I've been busy." She said avoiding. Gary saw she was trying to hide something, but he thought: if she wanted to tell me something, she'll tell me herself.

"What kind of Pokémon have you here?" He asked instead.

"All sorts of Pokémon. You name it, I have it."

"Aren't you specialised in one kind of Pokémon?"

Chris pointed at some water Pokémon. "I have a lot of water Pokémon. But I also have some fire Pokémon. But what are you doing here? I always thought you wanted to become Pokémon Master."

"Well, I decided to travel first." He said. Chris looked at him with her special look. "All right, I admit it. I lost the Pokémon League. So Gramps sent me on a mission."

"What are you looking for?" She asked while she took two cups from her kitchen.

"Do you live here all alone?" He asked.

"Yeah, but what are you doing here? Maybe I can help."

"Did you ever heard of the Ocean Gym?"

"You are looking for an ordinary Gym?"

"Not an ordinary Gym. This is a hidden Gym. Nobody knows where it is."

"So why are you looking for that Gym?"

"Well, this Gym has a mysterious trainer called Moonshadow and he has some interesting Pokémon."

"What is the use of a hidden Gym?" She put the cups on the table, filled with some soup. Gary thanked her and went on explaining.

"Only the best trainers are invited to that gym, if they swore they won't tell anyone about it. But the rumours say he has an unidentified Pokémon."

"Oh, that's why you are here. I heard about such a gym. It should be in the neighbourhood. Maybe it's on Raindrop Island. Why don't you ask Nurse Joy at the Pokémon Centre? She knows a lot about the gyms in this region." She drank out of her cup and avoided Gary's look. "You want to challenge him?" She asked.

Gary looked over his cup. He wondered why she asked that. He nodded. The best way of knowing a new Pokémon is fighting with it.

"You want to help looking? Your Pokémon can help me a lot." She seemed shocked by the question, but she nodded.

"I would be honoured."

"Great, I'll tell Gramps! Do you have a phone here?" Chris shook her head.

"I don't have electricity here. You have to go to Raindrop Island first. But you'd better not swim right now. The sun will set within a few minutes and the sea will be very cold. You'd better stay here and go in the morning. But if you are really eager to go, I'll ask Lapras to bring you."
She stood up and walked to her balcony. She whistled and a Lapras came.

"Do you want to go, or will you stay? I could make a bed and diner for you."

Gary thought very deep.

"If you are worried about your fans, you should go."

"No, that's not it Chrissy." Chris looked again at him and she petted Lapras.

"They can without me. I would love a night without the concern about them. I'll stay, but thanks for the offer."

Chris sent Lapras back to the lake. Gary looked from the balcony to the island. It was not a big island, because of the big lake in the middle, but he also found a little battlefield. He wondered what a researcher would do with a battlefield. Maybe for research, he thought and went back inside. He looked at his niece. It was so strange. He hadn't heard from her for 3-4 years, and suddenly, he found her on a deserted island. He didn't expect to find a Pokémon Centre here, let alone his long lost niece. And she even became a researcher, like his grandfather. She left Pallet Town to become a trainer, like he did, but she never returned.

He saw her putting on a jacket. Then she walked out of the house.

"Where are you going?" He asked curiously.

"I'm going to wish my Pokémon a good night, wanna come too?" Gary looked again.

"Yes, I would love too."

They walked trough the island. First, Chris wished all her water Pokémon a good night. She petted all Poliwag and their evolved forms. She kissed the only Poliwrath she had. The Magikarp, Lapras, Golduck and the little Psyduck received a big hug.

It became very dark and Gary yawed. "Are you doing this every night?" He asked while she patted a Blastoise.

"Yes." She answered. "But I'm almost ready with the water section."
Gary was shocked. He had already counted about 50 Pokémon, and than he lost track. So that meant she had more Pokémon than he had ever seen.

"How much Pokémon does Grandfather have?" Chris asked suddenly.

"I don't know. I think about 1000. Didn't count."

"Oh, I have about 300 Pokémon. So as a researcher I have a long way to go. Well, that's it for the water section."

"Where are you going now?"

"The fire section. But I think I'll take a different route today, so that the others come first for a chance."

"Good night Charizard." Gary was astounded while this little girl patted this huge dragon. "Well, that was about that."

"How did you ever manage to let Charizard listen to you?" He asked surprisingly.

"Don't know, he just listens. Why?"

"You remember Ash Ketchum?" Chris nodded. "He also had a Charizard. But his didn't listen. And that fool used him during the Pokémon League. I guess I don't have to explain what happened." Chris started to smile.

"It's getting late." She said. "I'll make dinner.

Gary wondered what the time might be. He looked at the moon. Maybe it's about 10 p.m. he thought. He walked by a hole and heard a little Sandshrew snoring. He almost tripped over a big Slowpoke, who was trying to cross the road. After he reached the lake, he saw a little Shellder closing its shell. She has a lot of Pokémon, he thought, so she didn't become a trainer. He was a bit disappointed. Before he left to become a Pokémon Master she was always a big example for him. He always thought he would be the only one who would beat her, after she became a Pokémon Master. And now she became a researcher. He always thought she would choose a profession with more action.

Gary woke up. He heard something outside. He walked to the window and he saw Chris standing at the battlefield. He also saw a Wartortle and a Seel, standing ready for action. He wondered what they would do. You can't let 2 Pokémon fight each other when you are their trainer, he thought. But suddenly, the Wartortle leaped to the Seel. He saw Wartortle trying to do a hydro pump, but the Seel dodged away. He looked at his niece, who was sitting at the side. He wondered why she was doing that. But suddenly Chris stood up and walked to her Pokémon.

"If you fight, don't use your best attack at the beginning." He heard her say. What was she doing?

He saw her sitting down again. He also decided to sit down and look what would happen. Now the Seel started to attack, but the Wartortle dodged away. The Wartortle used its water gun.

Hmm, he thought, she trained her Pokémon very well. They are really strong. I wonder why she didn't become a trainer. She has a lot of talent.

He watched while the Seel used its aurora beam, which the Wartortle cleverly avoided. Wartortle decided to use bite. It worked, the Seel was injured.

"That would be enough for today." Chris said to the Pokémon. "I can't bring you to the Pokémon Centre now, so we have to stop before somebody gets really injured. It was a great technique Wartortle. You have done a great job as well Seel." She kissed both Pokémon. "I'll treat your wound Seel, and then you can go to bed." She took the Seel in her arms and walked inside.

Gary decided to ask Chris what she was doing. He walked downstairs and saw her treating Seel.

"Seel, Seel!"

"I know it hurts, but you'll be fine after this."

"Chrissy, what's wrong?"

"Gary, you are awake!"

"I guess, or else I'm having the weirdest dream. What were you doing, I thought you had gone to bed."

Chris didn't answer. Gary walked to her.

"I didn't mean to let you see this. I'm trying a new training to make my Pokémon stronger."

"You let them battle against each other and you didn't gave any orders."

Chris nodded. She put her Seel back on the ground and the Seel went to the lake again. She invited Gary to sit down at the table. She took to glasses and filled them with some water. She sat down and there was a moment of silence.

"I became a Pokémon trainer, but I like having a lot of Pokémon around me. And you know trainers are allowed to have only 6 Pokémon. So after I won my 8 badges, I didn't want to go home. I knew Grandfather would ask why I didn't capture more than 6 Pokémon. You know how he is. But I did capture more. But I didn't put them in Poké Balls. We went to the Orange Islands, and there I found this little island. The people allowed me to stay here. I decided to let my Pokémon become more and more stronger. They are all free to leave but they stay and I like that. I don't want them to leave."

Gary looked at her. "So that is why you didn't write or call. You did become a trainer. And you trained a lot of Pokémon at one time. You have to be a very good trainer to do that."

Gary put his hand at her shoulder. She looked back. "I'll help you find this Gym." She said. "And I'll do the best I can." Chris smiled. Gary smiled back.

"Just like when we were young." He said.

"Just like when we were young…" Chris said, but she sounded a bit sad. She touched her necklace. The little Poké Ball began to shake a bit and the little moon began to glow…

To be continued…

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Pokémon ABC - Intro

Pokémon ABC is the first story to be posted at Kitty Ocean's Story Vault. It's also one of the first and longest. I stopped writing it, after losing a 10 page special. It was close to being finished, so who knows... just don't count on it.

This story is a FanFiction, so half is owned by me (Chris, Aemilia, Blade, etc) and the other half by Nintendo (all Pokémon, Gary, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, etc). I wrote this when I was about 16 years old, so the English is pretty bad. My English is a lot better nowadays. Please keep that in mind when reading the story. The grammar and spelling cannot be compared to the English in my novel.

The story:

After the Kanto Pokémon League, Professor Oak told Ash Ketchum that Gary was on a mission. He never told Ash what the mission was, so I made up the mission. Gary Oak has to look for the mysterious Ocean Gym! Only the best get invited there, but why is it so special, and why is it hidden?

The story consists out of 3 parts:

- The Ocean Gym (Parts 1 till 8)
- The way home (Parts 9 till 25)
- Finding the lost dream (Parts 26 till 25; had planned till 45)

The story also heald 5 specials and the 4th was lost, causing the hiatus.

Without further ado, I present to you:

Pokémon ABC!

Opening; welcome ye all!

This will be Kitty Ocean's Story Vault; a place where all old and unfinished stories will be posted. Do keep a few things in mind:

- I update whenever I like.
- Some stories are in English, some in Dutch.
- Some stories have really bad english. Some come from my early years, where I hardly had knowledge about English (most is self-taught D).
- All stories are unfinished.

I still have copyright from all stories (and partial when it's written with someone else or it's a fanfiction), so please don't steal. If this inspires you, feel free to write another story/part; I'd be happy to host it :)