Friday, 31 July 2009

Suske & Wiske FanFiction - Part 6

Suske & Wiske © Studio Vandersteen
Story idea + Story © 2004 - Kitty Ocean

De dochter van Barabas - deel 6


Professor Barabas dacht na. “Mijn vriend had altijd een voorliefde voor Indonesie; zou het daar kunnen zijn?”
“Nou, waar wachten we dan nog op?” Stelde Suske voor.
“Jaja Frans.” Lachte Wiske. “Indonesie is groot hoor.”
“Denk nou eens na.” Ging Suske verder. “Daar waar de zeebloemen groeien; dat moet koraal zijn! En veel tempels zullen er niet aan de kust zijn.”
“Dan nog is het zoeken naar een naald in een hooiberg.” Zuchtte Tante Sidonia. “Dat zal veel tijd kosten.”
“We hebben weinig keus.” Antwoordde Professor Barabas. “Ze willen die machine. En wij moeten het hebben voor zij het te pakken hebben!”
“Stel voor op te splitsen.” Bromde Jerom. “Donia en ik naar ‘schelling.”
“Dan gaan wij onder mijn deskundige leiding naar Indonesie.” Bood Lambik zichzelf aan. “Kara, kindje, geen zorgen, als ik de leiding heb dan komt het allemaal goed.”
“Wiske en ik gaan met Lambik mee Kara.” Voegde Suske nog toe. “Alles komt goed.”
“Ho eens!” Stopte Kara hen. “Ik ga hier niet blijven hoor! Ik ga mee naar Indonesie, of jullie willen of niet! Jullie weten niet eens hoe het er uit ziet!!”

Niet veel later verlieten Sidonia en Jerom het huis van Barabas. “Er vertrekken er maar 2, Mevrouw Maffia.” Constateerde Brok.
“Wat geweldig. We kunnen tellen.”
“Gaan we naar binnen mevrouw?” Vroeg Ken toen.
“Nee, zij zijn niet belangrijk.” Mevrouw Maffia keek uit het raam. “Dat kreng zit nog steeds binnen, en ik ga niet weg voor ik haar eindelijk in mijn handen heb!” In de weerspiegeling van de ruit zag ze haar schitterende gelaat. “En dan zal de wereld van mij zijn.”

Binnen werd de Teranef aan kant gemaakt. Lambik, Suske, Wiske en Kara hadden allemaal een speciaal uniform aan. “Wees voorzichtig Kara.” Sprak Professor Barabas haar aan. Kara knikte en glimlachte. “Weet je... je lijkt heel veel op je moeder.”
Van die opmerking schrok Kara. “We... ik... Meneer Lambik roept me!” Zei ze snel en snelde de Teranef in. Maar Professor Barabas glimlachte haar alleen na.
“Kara, je kunt daar zitten.” Wees Lambik. “Wij weten wel hoe we dit moeten besturen.”
“Kan ik niets doen?” Vroeg Kara.
Lambik dacht na. “Nou, een soepje gaat er altijd in.”
“Ja, lekker!” Gromde Wiske. “De vrouw mag weer de keuken in!”
“Ik vind het niet erg.” Giechelde Kara. “Dan doe ik ten minste iets!”
Professor Barabas keek naar de Teranef die de grond in zakte. “Als Mama Maffia inderdaad is zoals Kara me vertelde...” Zuchtte Professor Barabas. “Dan zal het niet lang duren voor ze er achter is waar Kara naar toe is.”

En terwijl Tante Sidonia en Jerom met de trein en boot naar het kleine eiland in het noorden van Nederland vertrokken, raasde de Teranef onder het aardoppervlakte. En voor het huis van Professor Barabas... stond nog steeds een zwarte auto.
“Geen zorgen.” Lachte iemand. “Ze komen wel terug. Rij maar terug naar het hotel.”

“Zou de soep al klaar zijn?” Vroeg Lambik aan Wiske.
“Ga dan kijken.” Wiske vouwde haar armen. “Ik ben een vrouw met een taak.”
Morrend stond Lambik op, en liep naar achteren. Hij deed de deur open en zei: “Hallo Ka-...” Maar verder kwam hij niet, omdat hij al weer de keuken uit vloog.
Geschrokken sprongen Suske en Wiske op. “Wat...” Begonnen ze, en zagen een geschrokken Kara in de deuropening.
“Sorry meneer Lambik!” Verontschuldigde ze zich. “Ik... ik dacht dat u...”
“Die kunnen hier niet komen!” Brulde Lambik boos. “Je gaat toch niet de mensen die je willen helpen met Ninja trappen te lijf!?”
“Karate...” Mompelde Kara verontschuldigend.
“Karate, Plagaten, dat kan me niets schelen!”
“Rustig Bikske.” Probeerde Wiske. “Het was een ongelukje.” Grommend ging Lambik weer terug naar zijn stoel.
“Als ze al 11 jaar voor zichzelf zorgt...” Begon Suske. “Dan is het niet vreemd dat ze wat schichtig is.”
“Maar ze is wel sterk.” Giechelde Wiske. “Dit is al de tweede keer dat onze Lambik vliegles krijgt. Ik mag Kara wel; een sterke geemancipeerde vrouw!”

Wordt vervolgd

Monday, 27 July 2009

Pokémon ABC - Episode 11

Episode 11: The SS Nidoqueen

By 'Whisper Shadowhunter'/ Kitty Ocean
© Nintendo (their characters) and Kitty Ocean (my characters)


The Nidoking bashed his head against the little Oddish, knocking it unconscious.

"And Gary has won!"

"Well Chris, what do you think of me now?" Gary asked proudly while he looked to his cousin.

His niece looked at him with glamorous eyes. "Oh Gary." She started. "I was so wrong. You are the greatest Pokémon trainer!"

Gary looked vain at the scoreboard and saw his picture next to: 'Winner: Congratulations!'. Now Chris finally sees I'm the best, he thought. He looked again at the scoreboard. Yeah, I'm the best!

"The next opponent will arrive within any minutes." The announcer said.

"He'd better pack his bags right now, because I don't fight with losers." Gary looked at the cheering girls and Chris.

"Gary, Gary is the greatest of all!
Gary, Gary defeats and the rest will fall!"

Suddenly, a deadly silence became over the crowded building. Gary looked around him and saw the doors opening. He couldn't see his next opponent because of the dark shade. But he could hear some footsteps. It was the light step of a female who slowly walked into the light.

Gary gasped, trying not to suffocate. He looked at his new and beautiful opponent. The blue-green hair waved with the wind and the purple eyes were to die for!

"The new opponent of Gary Oak has arrived." The announcer said. "The name of this new trainer is Aemilia!"

"This can't be!" Gary yelled. "I must be dreaming!"

"But you aren't…." She said slowly and soft. "You are definitely awake."

"But you are a Pokémon, not a Pokémon trainer!"

"What's wrong Gary?" Chris asked. "Why aren't you kicking her bud?"

Gary didn't asked while he looked at Aemilia who jumped on to the field. She is going to fight herself, Gary thought astounded. But he couldn't let his niece and fans down and took one of his Poké Balls. What the…?

"My Poké Balls!" He yelled. "Where are my Poké Balls?" He looked wildly around him, but he didn't spot his Poké Balls.

Aemilia started to laugh. "What's wrong Gary? Are you afraid?"

Gary felt himself turning red and searched some more, but he couldn't find them.

"The new trainer Aemilia is the winner!" The referee decided. "Because of a lack of an opponent."

Gary fell on his knees and looked at the ground. He had lost and he even didn't start his match. What was wrong?

"Well Gary." Aemilia said giggling. "You are not so great after all. I guess you are infected with the loser virus. Even Ash Ketchum is better than you!"

"No, no!" He yelled. "That's not true! I'm a good trainer. Tell them Chris!" He looked around, but he saw the disappointed face of his niece and fans. Without saying a word, they left the battling field, leaving an astounded Gary behind. "Noooooooooo!"

"Gary. Gary, wake up!" Bathing in sweat Gary woke up, looking at his niece green eyes. "Everything all right?"

He nodded. "It was just a bad dream, nothing else."

"What was it about?" She asked while she handed him over a glass of water. "Dreams are invented to tell you something."

Gary looked around him. He saw a sleeping Aemilia in the room next to his and he was sure his fans were still asleep too. He thought again to his nightmare. Maybe I should tell it, he thought. He saw her nice smile, telling him he could trust her. All right, he thought, it wouldn't kill me if I told someone about it.

Chris took a sip of her cup of tea. She folded her hands again and looked at her cousin. It was a strange dream, but she thought she knew the meaning. "You lost the Pokémon League, didn't you?" He nodded. "And in your dream you won the Pokémon League?" He nodded again. "I guess it's easy than. It still bothers you you lost the match."

Gary leaped up. "It doesn't bother me at all! It was just dumb luck that kid had beaten me!"

"Just listen to yourself for once!" She said. "You can't accept you've lost. How many battles have you ever lost in your life?"

Gary thought deeply and after a while he came up with the answers. "2." He said. "While I tried to get my Earth Badge and at the Pokémon League." Chris looked at him. "He." He said angry. "We never finished our match so I might had beaten you if we weren't interrupted."

"But you are afraid you would lose from me and Aemilia." She continued. "That's so clear, even one of your fans could come up with that explanation."

"I'm not afraid!" He shouted again but Chris pulled him back at his chair.

"You lost in your dream, something that didn't happen in reality. Just face it Gary, you are not perfect!" She looked at the clock. "We'd better get some sleep. The boat to the mainland is leaving in 8 hours. The Pokémon Centre promised me they would wake us up in about 6 hours."

She stood up and walked to her room again, while Gary looked at the table and his glass. He thought if she might be right. He decided he wouldn't break his head anymore about this subject and stood up. While he was lying in his bed he looked at the sealing of the Pokémon Centre.

They drove to the boat. "Hurry up!" Chris yelled to Gary. "We can't miss that boat!"

"I'm driving as fast as allowed!" He said angry. "If you didn't want to call Mr. Cram first we wouldn't have to hurry."

"Oh yeah?" Chris replied annoyed. "If your fans didn't want to stop at that stupid gift shop we would have at least a hour left!"

Gary stepped at the break and turned left. He followed the signs to the boat. He looked around him. He saw a Poké Mart with a special offer on an Eevee-handbook. At the cover were an Eevee, a Jolteon, Flareon and a Vaporeon.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" Aemilia yelled and Gary looked back at the road. He saw a large ship appearing.

At the boat, an Officer Jenny tried to manage the traffic. All the cars were trying to get on board at once, but the boarding plank wasn't large enough.

"You there, in your red car!" She yelled. "Move on!"

Gary drove on the boat, but Chris leaped out of the car.

"Need some help Officer Jenny?" She asked politely. The Officer jenny shook her head.

"No, I'm doing just fine. Just enjoy your trip miss."

"I was wondering, do you know the Jenny from Raindrop Island?"

"Sure, she is the third cousin of my niece." She answered swift. "But I can't talk right now. Welcome at the SS Nidoqueen."

Chris walked on board. She saw Gary and the rest. "Where in hell were you?" Gary asked annoyed. "You promised we'd travel together and when you desire it you just leave!"

"Jeez, I'm sorry." She answered sarcastically. "I was just checking something out. We'll see each other about 30 hours, so stop being so irritating." She stepped to Aemilia and together they walked to their cabin.

While they were walking, somebody announced something through the speakers. "Welcome, Ladies and Gentleman at the SS Nidoqueen. We hope you'll have a nice trip. For your entertainment we have organised a mini Pokémon League which anyone can enter. Registration is at the battle deck next to the Pokémon Centre…."

"Wow!" Aemilia said. "They have a Pokémon Centre here."

"And a mini league!" Gary added. "I'll enter it and than I'll show you I'm the best!"

"You haven't learned a thing, didn't you?" Chris asked.

"I want to enter!" Aemilia suddenly said. Chris looked shocked at her friend.

"But you haven't fought a match so far." She said. "You've never been a trainer before. You'd better wait a while."

Aemilia didn't agree. "He, you said yourself I could be a trainer too!" Chris shook her head.

"Let's wait until we get the rules, okay?" She said. "You know how to fight yourself, but you never let anyone fight for you. Let me be your coach all right?" Aemilia nodded.

They reached the Pokémon Centre. Two people were at a podium and explained the rules.

"It's a one on one fight. Please register the name and kind of your Pokémon at my companion." She pointed at her black-haired companion.

Chris dived to the podium, followed by Gary and Aemilia. "What just 2 minutes! What are you two doing here? You won't steal Pokémon while I'm around."

"He, we're clean now." Shane replied. "We've had it with the loses and decided to become straight."

"Why don't I believe you?" Gary asked.

Shana sighed and turned dramatically away. "You are so right not to trust us. We are a shame for mankind."

"You're saying it." Aemilia said.

"But believe us, we became straight." She showed a badge. "Look, we are the ones who organised this game. And to prove we are trustworthy we'll let you register as first." She handed a pen and form to Chris.

"I'm not going to fight." She said. "But Aemilia wanted to enter. Well Aemilia, which Pokémon will you use?"

"I guess you were right when you said I never ordered a Pokémon to fight for me. I'll practise that some other time." She said doubting. "But I know which Pokémon I'll use!"

"Oh?" Shane asked.

"Yes of course!" She said smiling. "Me!"

They climbed the stairs to deck 3. "You know Aemilia." Chris started. "Nothing changed. You always fought on your own."

Aemilia looked to Chris with a smile. "But something did change. We always used the same technique at the Ocean Gym. Vaporeon, Copycat and than to take the image of the Pokémon itself, attacking while it was still confused of the Copycat. You didn't need to give me those commands anymore." Chris smiled.

"You are right. Well, here is the battlefield. You'll start within 10 minutes."

They decided to sit down and looked at the battlefield. It was still empty, but it got slowly filled with people. Than the 10 minutes were gone, and the other trainer showed up.

"Euh, Chris." Aemilia started. "I know it's too late, but I don't want to be my own trainer any more. Please, let me be your Pokémon again."

Chris sighed and smiled. "Don't worry. You'll be fine. I'll be right here and I'll coach you if needed."

The announcer started to announce the battle. "We have in the left corner the trainer Micael Dorani, who has won 6 Orange Island badges. On the right we have the trainer Aemilia, who hasn't won any badges, but is a Pokémon herself! Trainers, begin!"

"Grimer, go!" Micael yelled and tossed his Poké Ball to the battlefield.

Aemilia stepped back. "What is that for a Pokémon Chris?" She asked frightened. Chris took her Poké Dex.

"Grimer." It started. "Is a Pokémon from the poison type. Beware of his poison attacks."

"Now there is some information that helps." Chris said sarcastically.

Micael stepped forward and yelled to his Grimer: "Use your Poison Gas Grimer!"

The Grimer reacted and filled the room with a poison gas. Aemilia didn't lose any time and transformed into a Pidgeot and flapped its wings until the gas started to change course. This is too easy, Aemilia thought and transformed into a Raichu. She concentrated and used a Thunder Wave.

"Grim-grim-grimer!" The Grimer shouted while it was electrocuted. The fight was over.

Aemilia changed back and stepped to Chris. "Did you see that?" She asked. Chris nodded. "If the competition is like that I'll win by a landslide." Chris said nothing and just smiled. Than she stood up.

"Let's go." She said. "Gary is about to have his first match." They walked away. Aemilia turned around and looked at Micael.

"You were a great opponent." She said politely. "Maybe you'll defeat me next time."

"And Gary Oak is the winner!"

"Gary, Gary go!
If he ever looses, nobody know'!"

The trainer returned his fainted Parasect. Gary rubbed his nails against his shirt and said: "Yeah. I know. I'm just the best."

"You did fine Gary." Chris said annoyed. "You were just lucky your Nidoking is strong enough. Your technique stinks."

"Oh yeah?" He replied angry. "I don't see you winning some matches."

"I'll battle when I want to battle." She answered. "And I don't want to battle now. I'm helping Aemilia out… if she ever needs my help."

Gary turned away angry and Aemilia walked to her next match.

The next match was for both Gary and Aemilia very easy to win. Aemilia had to battle a Doduo, which she defeated being a Raichu again. Gary had to face a Hitmonlee, but his Nidoking was still strong enough.

Gary and Aemilia's victories went side by side. Aemilia won because she was a great fighter and Chris helped her with her Poké Dex if needed. It's just like the old days, she thought. She doesn't know it, but I'm still her Pokémon and she is still my trainer.

Gary won because his opponents were too weak. His ego grows with the matches he had won. He thought he was such a great trainer that no one could ever defeat him. Those dudes are just weaklings or I'm the greatest, he thought, and I think it will be the last option.

"Welcome to the semi-finals of the A competition." The announcer said. "The winner has to face the winner of the B competition: Gary Oak. The match is between Aemilia the Ditto and Ramona Minas."

"Bellsprout, now!"

Aemilia looked at the small grass Pokémon. Chris took her Poké Dex. "No need for using it. " Aemilia said to Chris. "I guess I already know what its powers and attacks are." She turned into a little Charmender.

"Why did you choose a Charmender?" She yelled shocked, but she already knew the answer. If she choose a Charizard or something like that, the fight would be already over. And Aemilia wanted to fight.

"Bellsprout." Ramona started. "Vine whip!"

The little Pokémon reacted with his vines and started to slap Aemilia. She leaped back and used her Ember attack. It affected the little Bellsprout, but not enough. He is strong, Aemilia thought, but he's just so little.

"Bellsprout, use your wrap!"

The Bellsprout caught Aemilia before she even knew it. She felt the strength of this Pokémon. She changed into an Abra and teleported herself away. Than she decided to change into a Charmeleon. She used a Flame-thrower, and it affected the little creature more.

"Bellsprout, use your Spun Spore!"

It filled the room with a great cloud of Spun Spore. Aemilia changed into a Pidgeot and used her form to get rid of the Spun Spore.

"Aemilia, don't play with your food!" Chris said ironic, meaning that Aemilia shouldn't let Ramona get false hope.

Aemilia decided Chris was right and changed into a Charizard. She wanted to burst out a great flame, but suddenly Bellsprout got returned into his Poké Ball.

"I know when I'm defeated." Ramona said. "I know Bellsprout can't win from a Charizard, so I'm giving up. I won't let my friend get hurt."

Aemilia changed back. "You are a great trainer if you can decided such a thing." She said complimenting. "But you were a great opponent also. I was impressed by the strength this Pokémon had." She shook her hand.

"Well, I'm impressed by your powers too. Did you train yourself all the way?"

"No, Chris trained me." Aemilia looked to Chris. "But I guess she trained me too good."

Ramona walked to Chris. "You have done a great job. If I ever catch a Ditto I'll learn it the same trick."

"Just keep your eyes on the road." Chris said. Than she turned to Aemilia. "Well Aemilia, come on. We have an arrogant boy to defeat."

"The winner from the A competition is Aemilia and the winner from the B competition is Gary Oak. Both are allowed to use one Pokémon by choice."

Gary looked frightened to Aemilia. His dream was coming true! He checked all his Poké Balls again. They were still there. I know her powers and strongest attacks, he thought, I might have a chance to win. He touched his Poké Balls. He took Krabby. No, he thought, not him. He looked at his other Poké Balls. He couldn't decide what to use; his Seadra, Nidoking, Blastoise or…. He took a Poké Ball.

"Poké Ball, go!"


"What?" Chris shouted. "When did you get that one?"

Gary beamed with geniality. "I trade it for another Pokémon with Gramps. Didn't you know you can change your Pokémon on this ship?"

Chris looked at her cousin. He was right and she didn't know if Aemilia would win. This Ekans looked stronger than any other Pokémon she had ever seen from him. "Be careful Aemilia, it's a poison type."

Aemilia looked at Chris and than to Ekans. With Pokémon would she transform into? She thought the best type was a poison type, because poison doesn't affect poison much. She chose a Nidoqueen.

"This is incredible people." The announcer said. "Aemilia has taken the form of a Nidoqueen, like the name from this ship!"

Go Aemilia, Chris thought, I know you can beat him.

"Ekans, Poison sting!" The Ekans dived to Aemilia and tried to use his poison sting, but Aemilia dodged away. He is fast, she thought, but I'm stronger!

"To protect mankind from devastation."
"To unite everybody within our nation."
"To denounce the evil of friendship and love."

"Bulbasaur, go!" Chris yelled and tossed her Poké Ball to Shana and Shane. "Catch those idiots with your vines!"

"He!" Shane yelled. "What's your problem?"

Chris walked to them. "I should have known I couldn't trust you! You wanted to steal the Pokémon after all. And what is a better place than the finals, where everybody is present? But you won't interrupt the fight this time! This time, we'll end this match for once and for all. Just shut up and watch!"

She turned to Aemilia and Ekans again. Aemilia had caught the Ekans and used all her strength to crush the Ekans. Gary didn't seem to be a bit afraid and calmly looked at the fight. He looked at his watch. "It's time." He said and stood up from his chair. "Farewell Ekans." He whispered.

The Ekans began to glow. No, Aemilia thought, not this! He's evolving!


"Arbok, use your glare to get free!" Gary commanded. The Arbok obeyed his trainer and glared to Aemilia until she stood frozen on the floor.

Chris was shocked. She had seen so many techniques, but this was the first one that ever had some influence at Aemilia. Come on, she thought.

Arbok wrapped himself around Aemilia and started squeezing her. Still frozen, Aemilia couldn't do a thing but standing there. Though she couldn't move a limp, she started concentrating….

"Yes Aemilia!" Chris yelled and looked at her friend while she was transforming. She transformed into a Blastoise and unlocked her hydro pumps. With great force she blasted the Arbok against the walls. Sighing she became a human again, looking at Gary and the unconscious Arbok. Chris ran to her. "You won! You won Aemilia!"

Gary walked to Aemilia. "It was a great fight. For the first time in my life I don't care I have lost." He turned to his niece. "Our fight has finished as well. Aemilia would have beaten me after all." He shook the hand of Chris and than turned to Aemilia again. "Way to go Champ! Let me buy you a trip to the Pokémon Centre."

"He! What about us?"

They turned to Shana and Shane, still caught in the vines of Bulbasaur. Aemilia giggled. Chris walked to Bulbasaur. "What shall we do Bulbasaur? Dump them in the sea? Or shall we hand them over to the authorities?"

"Bulba, Bulbasaur!"

"What does he want to do?" Shane asked.

"You don't want to know." Aemilia answered.

Bulbasaur brought them to the deck and Aemilia changed into a Pidgeot. While Chris hold Bulbasaur still, Aemilia started to flap her wings. After a short while, the only thing that prevented them from flying away were the vines from Bulbasaur.

"Don't let us go, please don't!" Shana yelled.

Bulbasaur released them and Shana and Shane flew away. At the last moment he grabbed their wrists with his vines. Team Rocket sighed. But suddenly the heard: "Team Rocket, I'm arresting you for trying to steal Pokémon."

They looked at Officer Jenny and than looked at each other. Suddenly, both pinched Bulbasaurs vines and Bulbasaur let them go, because the sudden pain shocked him.

"Looks like Team Rocket has left the building!" Shana and Shane yelled and vanished behind the horizon.

Aemilia changed back. "I'm sorry Officer Jenny, we just wanted to learn them a lesson."

"It's all right. You did prevented them from stealing the Pokémon." She looked at the horizon. "They had the choice and they had chosen. But why are you still here? You have to go to the Pokémon Centre and than to the homage."

Aemilia felt so proud standing there at the podium. She had won her first mini-league as a trainer as well as a Pokémon. She looked at Chris.

"I'm so proud." She said and congratulated Aemilia and Gary. "Two of my friends are the best trainers of this ship." She looked at Gary.

And you ever doubted I would be one of the best, he thought vainglorious.

To be continued…

Friday, 24 July 2009

Suske & Wiske FanFiction - Part 5

Suske & Wiske © Studio Vandersteen
Story idea + Story © 2004 - Kitty Ocean

De dochter van Barabas - deel 5


Professor Barabas knikte. “Ja... dat wel. Al heb ik haar al 11 jaar niet meer gezien.” Hij deed een stapje naar voren. “Ik dacht dat ze, net als haar ouders, was omgekomen in dat ongeluk.”
“Dat was geen ongeluk!” Gilde Kara. “Het was GEEN ongeluk!”
Opeens begon ze te huilen. Met medelijden gevuld sloeg Tante Sidonia een arm om haar heen. “Ach, arm kind... wat is er toch?”
“Haar ouders waren goede vrienden van mij.” Legde Barabas uit. “Haar moeder was een chinese astrologe, en haar vader een duitse uitvinder. Ik heb ze bij elkaar gebracht tijdens een conventie; ze waren voor elkaar gemaakt. Kara is hun eerste en enige dochter. Ze was 7 toen haar ouders met de auto van de weg raakte.”
“Maar wat doet ze dan hier?” Vroeg Lambik.
Kara droogde haar tranen. “Mijn vader had het vaak over Professor Barabas. Ik dacht eerst dat hij niet echt bestond, maar een tijd geleden zag ik hem in de krant. En ik wist echt niet meer waar ik heen moest...”
“Was je op de vlucht?” Wilde Wiske weten.
“Mannen van gisteren.” Mompelde Jerom. “Zitten achter Kara aan.”
“Maar waarom dan?” Suske keek naar Kara. “Wat heb je gedaan?”
“Ik?!” Gilde Kara. “Ik heb NIETS gedaan! Ze willen een uitvinding van mijn papa, dat willen ze! Maar ze krijgen het nooit! NOOIT!”
“Rustig maar.” Tante Sidonia wist haar met haar moederlijke gedrag iets te kalmeren. “Wat was dat voor een uitvinding?”
“Mijn papa noemde het de ‘Melodie van de Hoge Landen’.” Snifte Kara. “Als het werkte, dan zou het eten kunnen vermenigvuldigen.”
“Wat prachtig!” Slaakte Wiske uit. “Dan zijn alle hongerproblemen zo opgelost!”
“Waarom zitten die mannen dan achter je aan?” Lambik was niet onder de indruk.
“Ze werken voor Mama Maffia.” Beeindigde Kara haar verhaal. “Zij wil het gebruiken om wapens te vermenigvuldigen.”
“Mijn vriend wist de uitvinding goed te verbergen.” Vulde Professor Barabas nog aan. “Tijdens een vakantie in de hoge bergen raakte hun auto door onbekende oorzaak van de weg. Mijn vrienden zijn omgekomen, en iedereen dacht dat Kara ook in die auto zat.”
“Heeft dus lange reis gemaakt.” Concludeerde Jerom. “Zal wel moe zijn.” Kara knikte. “Stel voor goed te gaan slapen. Nacht brengt raad.”
“Met die mannen rond mijn huis is dat niet veilig.” Zei Barabas. “Kara, jij kunt in de Teranef slapen. Daar zullen ze je niet snel zoeken. Maar, voor het geval dat... Jerom, Lambik, willen jullie de wacht houden?”
“Wij laten je niet in de steek professor!” Voegde Wiske toe. “Wij zullen hier ook blijven, en dan komt er niemand meer binnen!”

De volgende dag was iedereen al weer vroeg op. Wiske maakte een lekker ontbijtje, en Tante Sidonia had in de nacht leuke kleren voor Kara gemaakt. “Dat staat je veel beter!” Zei Tante Sidonia trots. Kara voelde zich een beetje onwennig in de schone kleren, maar dankte toch beleefd.
“Bedankt, Mevrouw Sidonia.” Boog ze beleefd. “Ik dank u allemaal.”
“De problemen zijn nog niet voorbij.” Suske liep de kamer binnen. “De zwarte auto rijdt nog steeds rond.”
Professor Barabas kwam met een kaart binnen. “Waar was je naar op zoek Kara?” Vroeg hij.
Kara wees naar een vuurtoren. “Mijn vader vertelde me, dat achter de 7e steen boven de 77e trede een diamant verscholen zat. Die steen is nodig om de ‘Melodie van de Hoge Landen’ te activeren.”
“Waar is de machine zelf dan?” Lambik schoffelde wat rond.
Kara haalde haar schouders op. “Dat weet ik niet. Mijn vader vertelde het altijd als een verhaal. Hij had het over ‘daar waar de zeebloemen groeien, en waar de zon altijd schijnt... daar, in de tempel voor de heilig god, ligt de schat begraven; wachtend tot zijn dochter hem komt halen.’”
“En tropisch eiland?” Lambik keek op de wereldbol. “Nou, dan zoek je wel even.”
Professor Barabas dacht na. “Mijn vriend had altijd een voorliefde voor Indonesie; zou het daar kunnen zijn?”
“Nou, waar wachten we dan nog op?” Stelde Suske voor.
“Jaja Frans.” Lachte Wiske. “Indonesie is groot hoor.”
“Denk nou eens na.” Ging Suske verder. “Daar waar de zeebloemen groeien; dat moet koraal zijn! En veel tempels zullen er niet aan de kust zijn.”

Wordt vervolgd...

Monday, 20 July 2009

Pokémon ABC - Episode 10

Episode 10: Ferry to CrossRoads Island

By 'Whisper Shadowhunter'/ Kitty Ocean
© Nintendo (their characters) and Kitty Ocean (my characters)


"Take good care of yourself."

"Sure George." Chris said.

It was 9.50 a.m. in the morning. While Chris and Aemilia said goodbye to their last friends, Gary waited inpatient by his car. Mr. Cram hugged Chris and Aemilia for the last time and his Eevee licked them both. Chris and Aemilia released their friend and hugged Mayla. After that, they stepped back and waved to their friends. They jumped into the car and Gary started the engine.

"All right, let's go home." He said and his girls started to sing a yell again.

"Please." Chris said. "Don't tell me they are going to stay that way all the journey. I won't survive that."

Gary smiled to Chris. He drove the car into the ferry. Within minutes the hatch closed and everybody stepped out of the car.

"Now there was a long ride." Aemilia said sarcastically. She looked to Chris. "And what shall we do now?"

"We'll wait." Chris said. "We'll reach CrossRoads Island within 3 hours." They walked on a stair to the deck. When they reached it, they waved to all their friends. "Goodbye Nurse Joy! Thanks for your help!"

"It was a pleasure to help you!" Nurse Joy replied smiling and waving.

"We hope to see you again soon!" Officer Jenny shouted and they ordered all the policemen of Raindrop Island: "A salute for Chrissy and Aemilia!"

Chris smiled, seeing a salute just for her and Aemilia. I'll really miss you guys, she thought. She looked around. She saw all her friends: Mr. Cram, Mayla, Jenny and Joy… but where is Blade, she thought. She knew that though he was a real pain in the bud, but she sure was going to miss him. His arrogance was even bigger than that from Gary.

The ferry blew his horn with great power and all had to cover their ears because of the noise.

"No need to make me deaf!" Chris said when the horn stopped horning.

Aemilia laughed. She felt the boat was starting to move. Aemilia looked aside. She saw Gary and his girls who were waving. To who, she thought. And at the other side she saw Chris in her new outfit she got from Mr. Cram. You just look like my wife when she was your age, he said. You are sure you are not related to her? Aemilia thought it was weird. She had never seen Mr. Cram's wife and wondered where she was. Maybe I'll see her someday, she thought. That poor man must really miss his wife, but why isn't she returning?

Chris looked in the water. Though she couldn't see it clearly, she could see herself a bit. She had always seen Mr. Cram's wife on pictures, but he said she really looked like her. Did she ever wear this dress and jacket, Chris thought. She felt sorry for the old man, being alone with his Eevee.

"Look Chris!" Gary yelled and pointed at Tear Island. "They are greeting you!"

Chris looked at the island and saw a fountain of leafs, water, fire and electricity. I'm going to miss you too, she thought.

They watched at the island until they came out of sight. After that, they walked inside. They saw a snooker table.

"Ha!" Gary said arrogant and took a cue. "Now here is something I'm better than you in!"

Chris took her own cue and said: "Okay, I'll take the challenge. What's at stake?"

"Immortal honour." Gary said.

"Again?" Chris said. "I've already got 13 times immortal honour. I've got enough of it. Pick something else."

Aemilia came between. "How about paying lunch?" Gary and Chris shook their heads. "And what about losing your immortal honour?"

"Mm." Gary said. "That's something new. It's 9 against 13. The other gets the immortal honour of the other." Chris agreed. "Let's play Poké Ball 4 Charmeleon."

"But we don't have a Charmeleon." Aemilia said. Chris giggled.

"No, not a real Charmeleon. It's a game Gary and I made up when we were young." Chris said smiling. "The goal is to hit a ball while you cross 2 other balls. You need 4 balls to play it." She took 4 balls. "I haven't practised for years, but let's play. Who starts?"

Gary looked around him. "Euh, what about grass, water, fire?" Chris took 3 of her Poké Balls.

"I've got Bulbasaur, Wartortle and Charizard. You still know the rules? Grass wins from water, water from fire and fire from grass."

Gary looked at the 3 Poké Balls. They all looked the same, but the Pokémon within were totally different. He took them all in his hand, feeling them even smelled at them. After a while he took a Poké Ball. Chris did the same ritual and chose also a Poké Ball.

"I've really got to mark them." She said and took the last Poké Ball. "Poké Ball, go!"


"Well, we know it's between fire and water." Chris said and tossed her Poké Ball away and Gary did the same. "You've won!" She said while she looked at the Charizard who came out of her Poké Ball. "You all can stay watching if you want, but you can go back too." She said to her Pokémon.

But the Pokémon decided to stay and Gary tossed the 4 snooker balls at the table. He looked at the green, yellow, red and blue balls while they stopped. "Okay." He said and looked again. "Yellow hits blue while hitting the left side."

Gary stood ready for action, but suddenly the girls started to sing.

"Go Gary go!
Your score will be high and her score will be low!"

Gary suddenly came out of his concentration and Chris and Aemilia giggled. Aemilia put her finger on her lips, telling the 6 girls they had to be silent. Gary started to concentrate again. He had to focus. The first ball could decide the whole game. I'm like a Rattata, I can use Focus energy, he thought.

Just play, Chris thought inpatient, it's just a little game. And finally he shot and the yellow ball hit the left side. With a great spin he passed the red and green ball and hit the blue one. Chris clapped a bit.

"Nice one." She complemented. "But watch this: red hits green while hitting the north and east."

"I've got to see that!" Gary said vain. "That's impossible."

"Well, I used to call this the Dratini roll." She concentrated and moved some pass until she had the right position. She hit the red ball and it started rolling.

"Yes! Way to go Chris!" Aemilia yelled.

"Bulbasaur! Bulbasaur!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Chris said and bowed to her own fan club. "Well Gary, what are you going to do now?"

Gary looked at the game. "You made it easy for me." He said. "I'll do the Bellsprout wrinkle."

Aemilia turned to Chris. "What's the Bellsprout wrinkle?" She asked curious.

"It's the easiest way to hit a ball: directly. He's going to hit the yellow ball with the red one in a direct line."

"Gary, Gary is the best!
A defeat is what gets the rest!"

"Now, now girls." He said. "Thank you for the cheering. Your move Chrissy."

Chris walked slowly around the table and looked at the balls. "This is a though one Gary. I guess I'll use the Articuno wave."

"You're nuts. You made it up when you was 9 and you never succeed in making that move." Gary said.

"It has to work someday." She said annoyed and walked to the green ball. "Green hits red while hitting west and north."

Gary looked at the table and wondered if she was right. It had to work someday.

"War, war." Wartortle said disappointed.

"I told you it wouldn't work." Gary said proudly. "Green hits yellow while hitting the left side."

"The Butterfree flight." Chris said surprised.

"You remembered." Gary said wondered. "It was the one Gramps made up."

"Of course I remember all the moves." Chris said irritated. "Because we hadn't play for 4 years doesn't mean I don't know anything anymore."

Gary became ready to shoot. His fans stood frozen, waiting until he would hit the ball. He smiled arrogant to Chris. "Be prepared to be beaten." He said and hit the ball.

Suddenly, the ferry started to shake and Gary flew over the table. The girls bumped against Aemilia and Chris who fell on the grass and water Pokémon.

"What was that?" Aemilia shouted and looked to everybody.

But before anyone could react, the ferry shook again and all fell again. When the ferry found his balance again they stood up and ran outside. Chris returned Charizard who couldn't go through the door. She also returned the other Pokémon. After that she followed the rest to the deck. She looked around, seeing people and a calm sea. She looked above her; maybe it was Team Rocket. But it wasn't them either. It seemed like nothing had happened. There was a calm sea.

But the sea began to move and underneath the clear surface a dark shade began to reveal itself.

"Look, over there!" Aemilia shouted and pointed at the sea.

The others came looking, but the shade had vanished. "There is nothing there." Gary said.

"There was!" Aemilia yelled. "And it was big!"

"We have to look." Chris decided. "Gary, ask the captain if he could stop the ferry and Aemilia and I'll dive."

"You are crazy!" Gary yelled. "You know there is a Gyarados down there don't you?"

Chris shook frightened her head. "No, the Gyarados is here!"

They looked upon the large roaring Gyarados. Why didn't I catch it when I had the chance, Chris thought. She dove away from the attacking Pokémon. She looked at Aemilia who got the hint. She turned into a Cloyster and Chris released Bulbasaur.


"Bulbasaur, Vine whip!" Chris yelled.

"Bulba, Bulba!" The grass Pokémon reacted and started to attack the huge Gyarados. But the small vines of Bulbasaur didn't affect large Gyarados, but only annoyed it.

Aemilia used an ice-beam and the Gyarados started to get frozen. But this Pokémon was very angry and dived to Aemilia. She closed her shell, protecting herself. The Gyarados took the shell in its mouth and started to bite on it, hoping it would break. It used all its force, but it didn't affected Aemilia.

"Bulbasaur, Razor leaf!"

The little Pokémon did what his trainer ordered him. The leaves hurt the Gyarados and let Aemilia go. With great impact she hit the deck, but she seemed all right. Bulbasaur used his vine whip again and started to really injure the Gyarados.

Aemilia opened her shell again and used her ice-beam again. This time, the Gyarados got really frozen and soon, the huge Pokémon was frozen. All sighed. Aemilia turned into a human again.

"Pff." Gary sighed. "That was a close call."

Chris ran to Aemilia. "You are all right?" She asked concerned and her friend nodded.

"We have our own special way to get ourselves into trouble you know?" She said smiling.

The captain came to the back of the deck and looked at the large frozen Gyarados. "You saved us all, which we thank you for. But we can't move on because the Gyarados made a hole in the ferry. We have to repair it first. Anyway, what are we going to do with the Gyarados while we repair it?"

They all looked at each other, but nobody knew what they should do with it. "We'll watch it while you repair." Gary suggested. "Than we can figure out what to do with it. Maybe someone wants a Gyarados?"

Gary looked around him, seeing everybody trying to get away. They don't want him either, he thought. "Let's get the snooker table up here. Gyarados won't defrost within a hour."

Chris thought it was a great idea and already started to walk inside again. Gary followed. "But how do we get it outside?" Chris asked. Gary pointed at Bulbasaur.

"Maybe our Pokémon can help."

Bulbasaur used its vines to take one leg of the table and Aemilia transferred into a Venusaur. She stood outside and lifted the table to the deck with her own vines, while the rest pushed. Gary's fan club decided it was heavy enough for them to wear one ball or a cue.

"I hope you didn't break your back?" Chris said sarcastically.

"No miss." They all said together. "But thanks for asking."

Chris hit herself for the head. "Where did you dug up these girls? And did you brainwashed them first?" She asked Gary.

Aemilia returned to her older form and together they lifted the table to the middle of the deck, to the shade of the Gyarados. The ferry didn't move and the sun was shining bright, but they didn't care.

"It was your turn." Chris said and tossed the balls at the green sheet. "You were about to do the Butterfree flight."

Gary looked at the balls. "You can't make that move if they are in these positions. I think I'll chose the Ivysaur Solar Beam. Yellow takes green by hitting north." He shot and the ball started to roll. He hit the north side and spun almost the same way back, but with a slight change of direction. It passed the red and blue ball and hit the green ball. Gary's fans started to sing again.

"You really know how to give me a hard time you know?" She said and walked to the red ball. Suddenly, Aemilia tapped her on her shoulder. She whispered something in her ear and Chris smiled. "On advice of my coach, I'll do a Bellsprout wrinkle."

Gary went to the table and looked. "I don't see a Bellsprout wrinkle." Chris pointed at the red ball.

"Red hits green." She looked proudly. "But I didn't see that either. You know what the problem is with this game? You start to think to difficult."

"Just play!" Gary grumbled.

Chris walked to the table and stood ready to shoot. But suddenly she stopped.

"Something wrong?" Gary asked.

"I thought the shadow was moving. And I felt some drops." She looked at the Gyarados. She looked better but the creature didn't move. She decided to turn around, but suddenly she turned back. Oh my god, she thought. "The eyes! The eyes are moving!" She yelled. "He's going to break out!"

A tape went on and played a tune. All watched to the stairs to the upper deck. They saw a radio, and 2 people stood proudly by it.

"With proud we present: The Team Rocket yell! To protect mankind from devastation."
"To unite everybody within our nation."
"To denounce the evil of friendship and love."

"To extend our reach to the moon above..."

"Stop that!" Chris yelled afraid. "The…"

"Oh shut up you brat. We have to finish our yell or else we can't win!" Shane said angry.

"Have it your way…." Chris said and wanted to slip away with the others. With great caution they hurried to the door.

Shane played back the tape a bit and Shana continued their yell with her next line before an empty deck.

"And Shane!"
"Team Rocket! Blast off with the brightness of light!"

"We are the best, that's right!"

Within the blink of an eye the Gyarados broke free from his frozen prison and dived with great speed to the freighted Shana and Shane. It knocked them away from the ferry making them vanish behind the horizon.

"Looks like Team Rocket…." Shana started.

"Has left the building…. Again."

Aemilia carefully opened the door. "They are gone." She said and the door went further open. "And I don't see the Gyarados anymore." She looked into the sun. "They vanished like snow vanishes before the sun."

Chris walked outside. She saw the wrecked snooker table. "I guess we have to pay for it."

"At least we are all right." Gary said.

"I know." Chris said. "But that isn't an excuse for the wrecked table. It's our fault it broke. We moved it outside. Why do I always hesitate when I have the chance to catch the Gyarados?"

The water started to move again and the Gyarados appeared.

"Speaking of the devil…" Gary whispered. He stood ready to run again.

But the Gyarados didn't attack. Instead of attacking, it only looked at Chris and Aemilia. Suddenly, it lowered his head and put it on the deck. This ritual shocked Chris and Aemilia.

"What is he doing?" Chris asked to Aemilia. Aemilia shook her head.

"I don't know. I'm no Gyarados." The Gyarados growled. "It says he surrenders himself. He knows he can't compete with you. It's your territory again."

Chris looked at the Gyarados. Suddenly she walked to it and patted him. Gary wanted to grab her back, but she didn't seem to be afraid anymore.

"Oh my, Gyarados." She sighed. "You are really going to hate what I'll say next. I'm leaving, so it can be your territory." The Gyarados angry lifted his head again. Why did he have to do so much trouble if she was leaving? "But I'm coming back." She said quickly. "And you can protect it from intruders for me." She Gyarados lowered his head again. "But don't attack the ferry's, just scare people away from the Ocean Gym… well, what's left of it. But I don't want you to scare the people from Raindrop Island anymore!"

The only thing the Gyarados did was growl a bit. "He accepts it." Aemilia said. "But he wants you to give him a name." Chris looked wondering at Aemilia. "I don't know why. Maybe because people will know this way you are the one who defeated him."

Chris smiled and started to walk back. She looked at the Gyarados. She took some minutes for herself and than walked back to the Gyarados. "I don't know a name. What's wrong with Gyarados?" She sighed. "But you wanted to have a name? What about Ocean, like the Ocean Gym, so everybody will know you are part of that." The Gyarados seemed to smile and nodded. Chris patted him one more time and than Ocean left them and dove into the sea.

"What just happened?" Gary asked. Chris shook her head.

"I don't know, but I guess our Gyarados troubles are over."

Suddenly, the ferry began to move again. The horn blew again with great power.

"Finally." Gary said. "We are moving again. CrossRoads Island, here we come. Be ready for Gary the greatest!" Chris and Aemilia looked at him with a devastating look. "All right, and Aemilia and Chris."

"That's better!" Chris said. Aemilia and she walked away.

"Why do you always keep annoying me?" Gary yelled, but Chris didn't react. She just waved her hand. "He, I'm talking to you!" He ran after her. Jeez, he thought, and I'm travelling with those annoying girls?

To be continued…

Friday, 17 July 2009

Suske & Wiske FanFiction - Part 4

Suske & Wiske © Studio Vandersteen
Story idea + Story © 2004 - Kitty Ocean

De dochter van Barabas - deel 4


Bij het laboratorium aangekomen, zagen ze een hoop plafondplaten op de grond liggen. “Er is iemand door het plafond gezakt!”
“Nee kijk!” Wees Wiske. “Er zit een ruimte tussen het plafond en de vloer daarzo!”
“Dus daar heeft onze muis zich verstopt.” Complimenteerde Barabas. “Maar weinig mensen weten dat ik mijn plafond hem laten verlagen om daar kabels kwijt te kunnen.”
“Is het dan misschien een bekende?” Vroeg Lambik.
“Waarom zou die zich dan verstoppen?” Vroeg Tante Sidonia weer.
“En waarom heeft diegene de kaart van Terschelling nodig?” Wilde Wiske weten.
Barabas greep naar zijn hoofd. “Ik weet het niet!” Jammerde hij. “Waarom gebeurd dit nu weer? Eerst die mannen, dan een insluiper... of misschien wel andersom! WIE HEEFT DIT OP ZIJN GEWETEN?”
Plotseling dook Lambik opzij. “KNIP!” Riep hij. “Hebbes!” Opeens werd hij weer zomaar weggegooid.
“Sterke muis!” Mompelde Jerom. “Zal varkentje wassen.” Maar toen Jerom achter het apparaat keek, zag hij iets heel anders. Snel kwamen de anderen ook kijken.
“Wacht maar even!” Lambik kwam weer overeind. “Ik zal die ploert eens een lesje leren!!”
“Nee wacht!” Riep Barabas. “Niemand raakt haar aan!”
Nog verbaasder keek iedereen naar Barabas. “Iedereen, uit mijn laboratorium!”
“Wat?” Vroeg Tante Sidonia. “Maar... maar!”
“ERUIT!” Riep Barabas, en stuurde iedereen weg. Hij sloot de deur achter hen, en draaide zich om. Zijn geschrokken en boze gezicht verdween langzaam, en veranderde in een gezicht vervuld met verdriet.

“Nu nog mooier!” Wiske vouwde haar armen. “Stuurt hij ons zomaar weg!”
“Hoe wist je dat de inbreker daar zat, Lambik?” Vroeg Suske.
Lambik kreeg zijn trotse gestalte terug. “Ach, ik ben niets voor niets detective. Intensief speurwerk!”
“En veel geluk.” Voegde Jerom toe. “Maar muis sterker dan Bik!”
Op dat moment ging de deur open. Professor Barabas kwam naar buiten, en verdriet was over zijn gezicht te lezen. “Vrienden, het spijt me.” Verontschuldigde hij zich. “Ik wil het uitleggen, maar... dat kan niet hier. Kom mee naar de kelder.”
Nieuwsgierig volgde iedereen de professor naar de kelder. Ze liepen enkele trappen af en zagen een daar boven op de teranef een meisje zitten. Ze leek kort haar te hebben, dat verscholen zat onder een muts. Ook haar kleren waren dik.
“Daar is ze!” Lambik werd al weer boos. “Geen respect meer voor de ouderen, nietwaar?!”
“Rustig Lambik!” Kalmeerde de professor hem. “Wacht eerst tot je haar verhaal kent. Zelfs ik weet niet alles.” Hij keek naar boven. “Je kan komen Kara.” Riep hij. “Niemand kan ons hier horen.”
“Ja dag!” Riep het meisje. “En wie zijn zij dan?”
“Dit zijn mijn vrienden. Ze zijn te vertrouwen.”
“Dat zeiden de anderen ook!”
“Geloof me!” Probeerde de professor. “Ze kunnen je helpen.”
“Dat zeiden die anderen ook!” Maar toch kwam ze naar beneden. Ze zette haar muts af en een lange zwarte vlecht kwam naar beneden. “Niemand kan me helpen Professor. Niemand.”
“Dan lees je zeker niet elke dag de krant.” Glimlachte Wiske, en keek naar het meisje dat niet veel langer was dan zijzelf. “Wij kunnen alles.”
Kara keek onverschillig, maak ook een beetje verdrietig. “Wie is zij?” Vroeg Tante Sidonia. “Kent u haar, professor?”
Professor Barabas knikte. “Ja... dat wel. Al heb ik haar al 11 jaar niet meer gezien.” Hij deed een stapje naar voren. “Ik dacht dat ze, net als haar ouders, was omgekomen in dat ongeluk.”
“Dat was geen ongeluk!” Gilde Kara. “Het was GEEN ongeluk!”
Opeens begon ze te huilen. Met medelijden gevuld sloeg Tante Sidonia een arm om haar heen. “Ach, arm kind... wat is er toch?”
“Haar ouders waren goede vrienden van mij.” Legde Barabas uit. “Haar moeder was een chinese astrologe, en haar vader een duitse uitvinder. Ik heb ze bij elkaar gebracht tijdens een conventie; ze waren voor elkaar gemaakt. Kara is hun eerste en enige dochter. Ze was 7 toen haar ouders met de auto van de weg raakte.”

Wordt vervolgd...

Monday, 13 July 2009

Pokémon ABC - Episode 9

Episode 9: Moon, stars… and Aemilia

By 'Whisper Shadowhunter'/ Kitty Ocean
© Nintendo (their characters) and Kitty Ocean (my characters)


"Here you are, your Pokémon are fighting fit." Nurse Joy placed 4 Poké Balls at the counter. "And Gary, let me congratulate you."

Gary looked at the friendly Nurse Joy. "With what?" He asked curious.

"With finding the Ocean Gym of course." She turned to Chris, who gratefully took the Poké Balls from the counter. "Where is Aemilia?"

Chris shook her head. "Don't know. She wanted to stay at the island."

The doors of the Pokémon Centre went open. Officer Jenny came in. "I heard you were back. Did you find the Gym?" Gary nodded. "Congratulations."

"With what? I didn't won the match."

"We never ended the match." Chris said. "But we can't fight anymore now I lost my gym."

Officer Jenny looked at Chris. "You did? But what are you going to do now?" Chris avoided Officer Jenny's look. "You are leaving?" Chris nodded.

"It's time to go home." Chris said. "I haven't seen my mother for 4 years. I want to go to her and after that I don't know what I'll do. Maybe coming back."

Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny looked at each other. Chris could feel they didn't want her to leave. In the past 4 years they became very attached to each other.

"I'll come back someday. That's a promise."

Officer Jenny smiled. "It's all right. We understand. But you can't leave before we gave a farewell party."

"I hope it's this time without paralysing food." Gary said. "Come Chrissy, you have to pack your bags."
Chris and Gary walked out of the Pokémon Centre. Chris waved to her 2 friends. She hoped she didn't make the wrong decision. She followed Gary to the beach. Chris asked Lapras to bring her and Gary to the island. She didn't say a word during the short trip. Gary wondered why.

They hopped of Lapras' back and Chris returned the Lapras. She started to walk home.

"What are you thinking Chrissy?" Gary asked. She didn't react. "Chris?"

"Oh sorry, I think I was a bit absent with my mind. What were you saying?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Chris sighed. "I'm a bit afraid. I haven't seen mom for 4 years. What should I say? And what Pokémon will I bring along? And how many?"

"Don't worry about that yet. Just pack your bags. The ferry leaves tomorrow at 10 o'clock."

Chris nodded. Her nephew was right. There was no need to worry about that yet. Maybe some Pokémon even didn't want to come along. She walked inside her room and took a bag. She even didn't what to bring along. Suddenly, someone knocked at her door. It was Aemilia.

"He, there you are." Chris said smiling, but Aemilia didn't smile. "Something wrong?"

Aemilia nodded. "Just a small problem. I don't want to travel with that Gary."

Gary looked around him. He took his Poké Dex and pointed it at a Poliwag. The Poké Dex immediately started to update itself. He looked again around him. He didn't see another Pokémon. Damn, he thought, how could I ever store the information if I don't see any Pokémon?

Gary turned around and looked at the beach. There was somebody walking there! Gary looked closer. It was Aemilia. It seemed she was thinking. I have to get information about her, he thought and sneaked by. Aemilia sat down at the beach. Gary pointed his Poké Dex at her and it started buzzing. Quiet, Gary thought.

Aemilia turned herself. She heard something in the bushes! She stood up and started walking again.

Gary crawled up and started to follow her. This is valuable information, he thought, I can't let her go away!

What was that? Aemilia got nervous, something was following her! And she wanted to know who and why. She concentrated herself and transferred into a Diglett.

Where did she go, Gary thought. He stood up and walked to the beach. The Poké Dex stopped buzzing. "Where is she?" He asked himself.

"Try looking behind you!" He heard. He turned around.

"Aemilia, why were you sneaking up on me? That isn't ver polite."

"You are telling ME what isn't polite? How dare you! Why were you following me?"

Gary turned around, trying to hide his Poké Dex. "I wasn't following you, ya know? I was just walking by." He turned around. "You must be very paranoid if you thought someone was following you."

Aemilia turned insulted away. Suddenly, she heard the same buzzing. "How dare you?" She yelled. "How dare you not asking me if I wanted to be in your stupid Poké Dex? I'm not some stupid thing you own!"

Shocked by her words, he lowered his Poké Dex. He looked at her while she walked away angry. She's right, he thought. He wanted to follow her and apologise, but suddenly a Ninetales appeared. Wow, he thought, this is my chance! And the Poké Dex started buzzing again.

Chris walked through the island. She observed her Pokémon and asked herself which she might bring along. It's so hard, she thought; knowing she couldn't bring everyone. Maybe I'll take Tentcool, or maybe a Slowpoke. She sat down and looked at a little Spearow. If she was travelling again she would become a trainer again. Though she never stopped training her Pokémon, it was different. If she become a trainer again, she was only allowed to have 6 Pokémon. And Aemilia would be one of them, Wartortle another. And than she had 298 other Pokémon to choose from. She could rebuilt her Gym and stay, but she knew she didn't want that either.

She sighed and patted the Spearow. "What do you think?" She asked it. "Should I become a trainer again and loose my title as a Gym-leader?"

The Spearow looked at her, telling her that if she even left, she would always be the Ocean Gym leader Moonshadow. The Gym was only momentarily closed.

"I've really had it with that boy!" Chris looked back, seeing a steaming Aemilia. "He's following me everywhere, trying whatever he is doing with his Poké Dex. He doesn't own me, I'm an individual!"

Chris beamed with geniality. "Aemilia, you just made my problem a lot easier!"

"What? What did I do?" Chris took Aemilia by her arm and pulled her along. "What are you going to do with that stupid cousin of yours?"

"Later, come on!"

Gary patted a Charmeleon and closed his Poké Dex. Finally, he thought, I'm almost finished. Only 20 Pokémon left to scan. And than to Aemilia.

He looked above him, seeing a Pidgey. Weird, he thought, I never saw a Pidgey here. But the Pidgey landed before him. Gary saw he was wearing a note.

"Pidgey! Pidgey!"

Gary took the note from his neck and read it. The Pidgey lifted off and Gary started walking to Chris' home.

"Chris?" He yelled when he was there. "I've got an invitation from Nurse Joy. We are expected in 2 hours at the Pokémon Centre." No answer came. He started to walk trough the house. "Chris? Where are you?"

Chris came out of the kitchen. "Yeah, I heard you. Aemilia and I are deciding which Pokémon we could bring along."

"You'd better change clothes." Gary suggested. "It's a farewell party, not one of your beach party's."

"But I haven't got anything else I could wear." Chris said shocked. Aemilia came in the kitchen too.

"Don't worry, we can shop before we go." Aemilia looked devastating at Gary. "Just the two of us."

Gary smiled. "I know, girls only. Can I do something for you Chrissy?"

Chris nodded smiling. "Of course. Could you please bring all the Pokémon who want to come along?"

"All of them?" Chris nodded and pointed at a closet. "In the closet are their Poké Balls. Come Aemilia, let's go." Chris and Aemilia walked away, leaving an astounded Gary behind.

"All of them? All 299?"

Chris and Aemilia walked into the water. "Enjoy this swim." Chris said sad. "This is our last day here." She looked at the moon and stars.

"No regrets yet?" Aemilia asked. Chris shook her head.

"I'm coming back someday. This is my home."

Aemilia smiled and turned herself in a Dewgong. Chris touched the Moonstone and she and Aemilia dove into the water. The water was nice and warm and Chris loved it. There was always a great temperature at Raindrop Island. The sun was always shining. Did Chris really want to trade that for rain and cold, Aemilia thought.

In her Dewgong-form she looked at her friend. Chris suggestion of her becoming her own trainer applied to her. Chris always said she was independent enough. And if she became a trainer, she could also bring 6 Pokémon along. There was no rule that Pokémon couldn't become a Pokémon Trainer too.

Aemilia swam some circles around her former trainer. Chris smiled. She and Aemilia decided which Pokémon could come along. She touched her Poké Ball necklace. If Aemilia became her own trainer, she wouldn't need it any more. But maybe she needed it someday and it was a gift so she decided she would keep it.

They stepped on the warm sand. Chris shook herself a bit dry and Aemilia transformed herself again in her human form. "What shall we do now?" Aemilia asked.

"I want to say goodbye to Mr. Cram myself." She answered. She pulled her boots on and walked off the beach to the Poké Mart.

"Chris, Aemilia, how nice to see you." Mr. Cram walked to the two girls and hugged them. "What are you two doing here?"

"I wanted to say goodbye in person and not in general at the party." Chris said. "I'm really gone miss you Mr. Cram."

Mr. Cram wiped a tear out of Chris' eye. "Now, now Chrissy. No need to cry. You promised you'd come back someday, didn't you? So it isn't farewell, but 'see you'." Chris smiled. "Come, my little Clefairy, I want you to give something." He walked up the stairs to his home. He opened a door.

"My wife wore it when she was your age, and I think it will look at you wonderful."

Chris gazed at the beautiful dress. She stepped to it. "Mr. Cram, it's beautiful, but I can't accept it."

Mr. Cram laughed. "Then tell me what I should do with it. Wearing it myself? It isn't even my size. I guessed Aemilia could design a dress of her own, but I guess you can't, so please, accept it. It would look marvellous on you." Chris only smiled and wiped some tears away.

"I'm really going to miss you Mr. Cram." She said.

"I know it's a bit late, but just call me George." He gave his 'adopted-granddaughter' a big hug. "But there is more, my Clefairy. On the main land it's a bit colder, so you can't wear this. Just look in my wife's closet. Though she isn't around anymore, I guess she wouldn't mind."

Gary looked at his watch. She is going to show up, he thought, or else I'll kill her. He placed the bags at the ground.

"Are that all Chrissy's Pokémon?" Mayla asked. Gary nodded.

"All 299." He said angry. "And she'd better show up. My back hurts like hell!"

The doors of the Pokémon Centre slowly opened and Blade stepped inside with his friends.

"Great…." Mayla sighed. "He came too…."

"All right! Blade is in 'tha' house so the party can begin!"

Officer Jenny walked to Blade. "This party isn't for you Blade, so keep it down!"

Blade grumbled something and walked away. The doors of the Pokémon Centre went open again. Gary walked to them.

"Chrissy, you look wonderful." He complimented.

"I told you." Mr. Cram said. "Now go to your party and have fun!"

Chris and Aemilia walked to Nurse Joy and greeted them. They started to talk. Gary decided to let the Pokémon out of their Poké Balls. Hours went on and everybody seemed to have a great time. Suddenly, they heard a scream.

"Blade!" Mayla yelled. "You idiotic Muk! You ruined my bowl!"

Chris hurried to Blade. "What have you done this time?" She said with a furious look in her eyes.

"What do you care?" Blade said. "I just threw some beer in it. It tastes better that way."

Mayla slapped Blade in his face. "Yeah, but you are the only one who likes it this way!"

"Jeez, no need to blow it up ya know." Blade said. Suddenly, the roof exploded and came down. "I was only kidding!" He yelled shocked.

"To protect mankind from devastation."
"To unite everybody within our nation."
"To denounce the evil of friendship and love."

"To extend our reach to the moon above..."

"And Shane!"
"Team Rocket! Blast off with the brightness of light!"

"We are the best, that's right!"

"Charizard!" Chris yelled and the Charizard came flying to her. She jumped on the huge dragon and Aemilia followed her. Together they flew to the balloon of Team Rocket.

Shana and Shane laughed. "You are not going to stop us now!" Shane yelled and threw some bombs to Chris and Aemilia.

The Charizard avoided them all. It started circling around the balloon, waiting for his next command.

"Look Shane, it's that girl Aemilia again."

Shane threw some extra bombs that exploded before the Charizard. "In stead of standing there you'd better help me!" He yelled. "I don't see any other Pokémon than that Charizard there, so she can't stop us. Release Geodude!"

Shana reacted instantly and threw the Poké Ball away, releasing the rock Pokémon. It started to annoy the Charizard and Chris started to lose her balance. The balloon started to float at a lower altitude.

"Stop them Aemilia!" Chris shouted. "We'll stop Geodude!"

"How can a little girl stop us?" Shana asked giggling.

"Easy!" Aemilia said and jumped from the Charizard and transformed into a Zubat.

"That's no ordinary girl!" Shane yelled, seeing Aemilia closing by.

Aemilia dived with great speed to the balloon and stabbed her fangs into the balloon. A great explosion followed and Aemilia was blown away.

"Aemilia!" Chris yelled and ordered Charizard to leave the Geodude and to pick up the falling Aemilia.

Team Rocket fell and landed hard between the party people. "Shane…." Shana asked. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, but no for long." He answered, looking to the person who stood before him.

"I'm arresting you for wrecking a building and being a member of a criminal organisation!" Officer Jenny said and ordered the other policemen to handcuff Shana and Shane.

Aemilia fell with great speed, still being a Zubat. Chris stood up Charizard and became ready to catch her friend. At the last moment, she jumped from the Charizard and leaped to Aemilia, catching her while she was in the air. Before they reached the floor, the Charizard caught them again, though they were only inches from the floor.

"You are all right Aemilia?" She asked and Aemilia transformed again and nodded. "Don't ever scare me like that again!" She said.

Aemilia looked at Chris' dress. "Your dress is dirty." She said.

"I'll wash it before I'll return it. Go home Charizard." But the Charizard didn't turn. "Charizard, go home! Why aren't you listening?" The only respond it gave was a growl. "Aemilia, what's wrong?"

Aemilia transferred herself into a Charizard and became flying next the other Charizard. It seemed she tried talking to him, but it only growled and spitted fire to Aemilia. She transferred back and sat next to Chris again. "Only you can handle this. He doesn't want you to leave. He's afraid he will miss you too much."

Chris looked at Charizard. "Oh Charizard!" She said and hugged him. "Please, don't be mad. I wanted to ask you if you would come along. I couldn't survive a day without my dearest fire-breather."

The Charizard growled again. It suddenly started to land. "Don't you dare to think I would leave you!" Chris said, patting her Pokémon.

At the ground, Gary and the rest waited on Chris. "You all right Chrissy?" He asked to Chris.

"Why do you keep ignoring Aemilia?" Chris asked annoyed. "She's coming along too you know?"

Gary looked ashamed at the ground. Aemilia jumped from Charizard and walked away. "Aemilia, wait!" Gary yelled and followed her.

"Leave me alone! You are treating me if I'm sort of a freak!"

"I don't!" Gary replied. "Well, I'm trying. It's just… I never saw a human/ Pokémon. I knew some of them could talk, but I never saw a Pokémon that looked like a human."

Aemilia turned angry around. "And that justifies it? I don't think so!"

"You are right!" Gary said suddenly. "I should have asked you if I could observe you with my Poké Dex and I should treat you like a human being. Though you aren't a real human."

"You know why I'm most of the time in a human form? I like being a human. Everybody understands you, even the Pokémon. You humans have all those things that make life wonderful. And I wanted to be part of that. And Chris says I'm human enough to her! Why can't you accept me for who I am?"

Gary didn't react and looked at the floor again. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "Please, forgive me and come along with us."

"I really hate this part of being a human. You have to forgive." She sighed. "But I must apologise too. Chris and I have always been together and suddenly you showed up. I saw her never so happy. I was afraid I was going to lose my best friend."

Blade walked to Chris. "Here, I have something from my dad. He couldn't come himself." He gave a little package.

Chris unpacked the gift and saw a little red box. "Wow!" Chris yelled. "Professor Midol gave me my own Poké Dex!" Blade turned around and walked away. "He Blade, thank your dad for it."

"Yeah." Was the only thing she heard coming out of his mouth.

"Why are you so dammed cool always? You're not an ice-cream you know?"

Blade turned around. "Why do you care? You are not going to miss me or something like that?"

"What should I miss?" Chris asked, but then she sighed and walked to him. "He, I hate to admit it, but I'm even going to miss you." She saw the asking glaze in his eyes. "Who else do I have to kick his bud if he drove too fast again? And who do I have to accuse of blowing up a garden again?"

Blade walked to Chris. "He, that was only once!" But suddenly he grabbed Chris and hugged her. "I know it's bad for my reputation, but I'm going to miss you too."

"I'll ask Officer Jenny to kick your bud some days, so you won't forget me."

They smiled at each other and Blade let Chris go. Together they walked to the party. Chris walked to Mr. Cram.

"Mr. Cram…euh, George." She asked.

"Yes my little Clefairy?"

"I was wondering…. Would you and Mayla take care of my Pokémon while I am gone?" Mr. Cram didn't react. "You have done so much for me and I know they will be safe with you two."

Mayla and Mr. Cram hugged Chris. "We are all going to miss you." Mayla said and Mr. Cram agreed. "Take care of yourself."

"Don't worry." Chris said. "I've got my Pokémon and Aemilia to watch my back. You'd better worry about Gary." She walked to the middle of the Pokémon Centre. "I'm really going to miss you all! And I'll come back some day, that's a promise!"

Chris took 6 Poké Balls and Aemilia did the same. "I want you all to meet the newest trainer: Aemilia!" Though some people were surprised, Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny smiled at each other. Chris tossed her Poké Balls before her.

"Wartortle, my first Pokémon, Charizard, Rapidash, Nidoran, Zubat and Bulbasaur, you'll be my companions!" She yelled, revealing her chosen Pokémon.

Aemilia tossed her Poké Balls too in the middle of the crowd. "Ponyta, Psyduck, Pidgeot, Ninetales, Horsea and Starmie, you'll be mine!"

Gary stood between the two girls. "Quite a crowd. I hope they like me through the journey home."

Chris and Aemilia didn't say a thing and just smiled at each other. He didn't know it yet. But their new journey had just begun….

To be continued…

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Suske & Wiske FanFiction - Part 3

Suske & Wiske © Studio Vandersteen
Story idea + Story © 2004 - Kitty Ocean

De dochter van Barabas - deel 3


Barabas wilde graag weten wat er was gebeurd. "Ik schrok gewoon heel erg professor; er stonden opeens 2 mannen naar binnen te gluren."
Wiske keek bedenkelijk. "Zouden die soms uit de auto zijn gekomen?"
"Onzin." Antwoordde Sidonia. "Die twee hadden gewoon het verkeerde huis."
Barabas ging zitten. "Toch gebeuren er vreemde dingen." Hij dacht diep na. "Ik dacht dat het aan mij lag, maar er lijkt steeds meer te verdwijnen; voornamelijk eten!" Hij mompelde even. "Suske, hoe zagen die twee mannen er uit?"
"Ze droegen allebei een hoed; ik zag ze niet erg goed." Antwoordde Suske. "Ik denk dat ze even erg van mij schrokken als ik van hun."
"Dat dacht ik al..."
"Wat dan?" Wilde Sidonia graag weten.

Niet veel later, nadat Lambik en Jerom terug waren gekomen, had Professor Barabas het voorval van de vorige nacht voorgelegd. "Mm." Begon Lambik nadenkelijk. "Die mannen zeggen iemand binnen zien sluipen en duiken daarna vervolgens hier weer op."
"Wat denk je Lambik?" Vroeg Wiske nieuwsgierig.
Lambik gaf antwoord. "Die mannen zoeken iets."
"Maar wat dan?" Vroeg Sidonia. "Zouden ze een uitvinding willen stelen?"
"Of ze zoeken een muis..." Mompelde Barabas. Ze keken hem verward aan. "Mijn eten verdwijnt steeds en die mannen wilden per se in mijn lab kijken. Volgens mij zoeken ze iemand."
"Heeft zich dan hier verstopt." Voegde Jerom toe. "Stel voor huis uitkammen en muis zoeken."
Zo gezegd, zo gedaan. Gewapend met huishoudelijke artikelen slopen ze door het grote huis van Barabas.
"En dit keer Lambik..." Begon Wiske. "Eerst kijken of het geen spiegel is voor je om een moord en brand roept."
"Zo'n fout maak ik niet Wiske." Gaf Lambik als antwoord. "Een ezel stoot zich geen 2 keer aan dezelfde steen."
"Jij bent geen ezel." Zei Suske terug. "Daar ligt nou net het probleem."
Dapper trokken ze door het huis. Sidonia, gewapend met een bezem en een deegroller, keek in een donkere kamer. “Wat is dat daar?” Mompelde ze en zette de bezem tegen de muur. Met de deegroller in de hand liep ze de kamer in.
Op dat moment kwam Lambik langs. “Zie je wat, Sidonia?” Vroeg hij. “Nou zeg, voel je je te goed om te antwoorden?” Wilde hij verontwaardigd weten.
“Bik ogen uitwrijven.” Mompelde Jerom. “Is andere bezem.”

Na lang zoeken kwamen ze weer samen in de woonkamer. “Niets professor.” Zei Wiske. “En we hebben overal gezocht.”
“In het laboratorium zag ik ook niets.” Voegde Suske toe. “Al zag ik wel een kaart van Terschelling liggen.”
“Terschelling?” De professor dacht na. “Waarom zou die daar liggen?”
Tante Sidonia wist het ook niet. “Maar het leek wel of er iemand in uw linnenkast heeft zitten rommelen.”
“Lakens, eten...” Professor Barabas knoopte de eindjes aan elkaar. “Volgens mij verstopt zich hier iemand.”
“En die iemand kan zich dan goed verstoppen.” Zei Lambik. “Vast een misdadiger.”
Tante Sidonia greep meteen Suske en Wiske. “WAT?! Dan lopen deze arme schaapjes gevaar!”
Op dat moment klonk er een hoop lawaai. “Vanuit lab!” Riep Jerom, en iedereen wilde hem volgen.
Bij het laboratorium aangekomen, zagen ze een hoop plafondplaten op de grond liggen. “Er is iemand door het plafond gezakt!”
“Nee kijk!” Wees Wiske. “Er zit een ruimte tussen het plafond en de vloer daarzo!”
“Dus daar heeft onze muis zich verstopt.” Complimenteerde Barabas. “Maar weinig mensen weten dat ik mijn plafond hem laten verlagen om daar kabels kwijt te kunnen.”
“Is het dan misschien een bekende?” Vroeg Lambik.

Wordt vervolgd....

Monday, 6 July 2009

Pokémon ABC - Episode 8

Episode 8: Moonshadow, and the Ocean Gym II

By 'Whisper Shadowhunter'/ Kitty Ocean
© Nintendo (their characters) and Kitty Ocean (my characters)


"Well, it was about time you found out!" Chris replied annoyed.

Gary was astounded. In the other cases Chris was shocked when he revealed a secret from her, but now she was angry.

"What took you so long?" She asked. "All the others already found it out in the maze."

"Why did you lied?" He asked angry. "I'm your nephew!"

"What part of 'hidden gym' don't you get? I couldn't tell you about it. I wished I could, but it's a secret gym! If I told it you from the beginning I would give you privileges. I can't do that, which is unfair against other trainers."

Gary nodded his head. He was angry, but he understood it. "And what about Aemilia? And that unidentified Pokémon?"

"In time… in time."

"In that case I'm challenging you!"

"I thought you never asked…."

Chris leaped back and pushed a button. A dome closed above Gary. An equal dome closed above Chris.

"What's this?" He asked.

"We'll have a 3 on 3 match." She pushed another button. A desk came out. "Place your Poké Balls at the desk."

Gary did what his niece ordered him and he saw she was putting 2 Poké Balls at her desk. 2, he thought, didn't she say it was 3 on 3 match? She flipped a switch and the dome began to rise. After a while, they were placed outside the Gym.

"Welcome at the battlefield." She said proudly.

Gary looked around him. "The ocean is the battlefield?" He asked astounded.

"Yeah, why did you think I called it the Ocean gym?" Chris took one of her Poké Balls. She gave it a kiss and placed it back. "This brings back memories ya know?" She pushed the Poké Ball trough a tube. "Make me proud Poliwrath!"

Gary did the same, releasing his Seadra. "Go Seadra!"

Nephew and niece looked determent at each other. None of them planned to lose this mach. Everybody could feel the tension there was. Gary looked at his niece. He remembered how good she was, but he smiled.

"I knew you were hiding something, so I hid something for you too! I trained them more often than you know! I'm going to win this!

"I sincerely hope you can prove that. Or do you need your fans?"

Gary looked angry at his niece. She was deliberately making me angry, he thought, so I won't go easy with her. But I won't.

"Seadra! Do a Hydro Pump!"

Chris shook her head. "Gary, we are underwater. What is the use of that attack? It will only cause some floating here, not more."

Gary felt he became red. But he thought again. "All right Seadra, attack him with your Bubble attack!"

"Now that's more like it!" Chris said. "Poliwrath, avoid his attack!"

Poliwrath dodged away. The Seadra tried it again, but it failed again. Gary looked at his Pokémon. It seemed the Seadra was too weak for him. No, Gary thought, I'm not going to lose this! I'll show her how good I am!

"Poliwrath, tackle his Seadra!"

The Poliwrath attacked so fast; the Seadra couldn't dodge away. With great impact, it slapped against a rock.

"Seadra, get up!" Gary yelled, pushing himself against the glass wall, hoping his Seadra could hear him better that way.

The Seadra heard his trainer's voice, which gave him hope and strength. It lifted its little head and used his bubble attack. The Poliwrath didn't expect this and was blown away by the force of the bubbles.

"Yes!" Gary yelled. "Go Seadra!"

"Nice move." Chris said. "But it isn't over yet! Poliwrath, double slap!"

The Pokémon reacted instantly and tried to do his attack. But the Seadra was fully recovered and dodged away. It looked as determent as his trainer.

While Poliwrath tried to tackle the Seadra again, the Seadra kept dodging away. His Seadra is fast, Chris thought. The Seadra turned suddenly and dove with great speed to the Poliwrath, using his spikes to hurt his opponent. The first and second time Poliwrath could avoid it, but the third time it didn't.

The Poliwrath banged against the reef, accidentally breaking some of it. The spikes of the Seadra had hurt him, but the strong, poison and sharp edges of the coral hurt him more.

"Stop!" Gary suddenly shouted. "He is injured by the reef!"

"That's allowed. " Chris said to his surprise. "It's part of the battlefield. But don't worry, Poliwrath is strong enough to defeat your Seadra!"

Is that so, Gary thought. He looked at the Pokémon of his niece and it seemed okay. He looked at his Seadra too, seeing it was getting tired. Just a few more spiky attacks, Gary thought, and I won.

"Seadra, use your bubble to distract him!"

The Seadra obeyed his trainer and used his bubble. The Poliwrath was indeed distracted, but Chris reacted instantly.

"Poliwrath, Amnesia!"

The little Pokémon reacted and made the Seadra forget his bubble attack.

"Smart." Gary said. "But not enough. Seadra, tackle him again and use your spikes!"

The Seadra reacted again and swam with great speed to the Poliwrath. The Poliwrath dodged away, but the Seadra turned very quickly and tackled him after all. The Poliwrath slammed against the glass wall of the gym. It fell to the bottom of the ocean, and didn't stand up again….

"Haha!" Gary laughed. "I've beaten you!"

Chris returned her Poliwrath and just smiled. "It's 3 on 3, remember? It isn't over yet!"

She pushed her other Poké Ball trough the hole. Gary looked nervous, what Pokémon would appear?


Gary swallowed. He remembered how the Wartortle's bite attack defeated Shana's Geodude. But that was a rock type, this was water against water. He wondered who was better. The Wartortle, or his Seadra.

"Wartortle, use your tackle!"

"Seadra, dodge away and attack with your spikes!"

The Wartortle attacked, but the Seadra could dodge away. It didn't seem a bit tired anymore. The Seadra turned and attacked the Wartortle with his spikes. But the Wartortle crawled into his shell and the sharp spikes of Seadra didn't hurt Chris' Wartortle.

Gary looked at the battle with nervous eyes. The last time he was nervous at a mach was when he tried to win his Earth Badge, which he didn't succeed in doing that.

"Seadra, bubble!"

The Seadra used the bubble attack again, but the Wartortle stayed in his shell. The bubbles moved the shell, even slammed it against the walls, but it still didn't hurt the Wartortle.

"All right Wartortle." Chris started. "Now do your skull bash!"

The Wartortle revealed himself again and bashed against the Seadra. The Seadra slammed against the walls. Seadra, hold on, Gary thought, seeing his Seadra was getting seriously hurt.

The Seadra saw the Wartortle tried to do a skull bash again, so it dodged away. Though he was weakened, it was still fast enough to keep the Wartortle one step ahead. It tried to do a tackle.

"No Seadra, no tackle!" Gary yelled. "Use our secret spike-attack!"

Chris wondered what attack that might be. She didn't recall an attack what was called like that. He must have made it up himself, she thought.

The Seadra stood still, watching how the Wartortle came by. At the last moment, it used the Wartortle's attack against him. This was the moment Seadra could hurt Wartortle using his spikes.

"Yeah Seadra! Way to go!"

The Wartortle looked annoyed to the scratches the Seadra gave him.

"Wartortle, Wartortle!" He yelled at Chris.

"If you think you'll win by doing that, than do it…." Chris said proudly. "Go for it!"

Gary looked at Chris. He didn't know what attack the Wartortle might do.

"Seadra, what ever he is doing, do your same attack!"

The Seadra nodded. The Wartortle swam again with great speed to the tiny creature. The Seadra was ready to attack again. But suddenly, the Wartortle crawled in his shell again and banged with great impact against the Seadra, knocking it unconscious.

"It can't be…" Gary whispered. He returned his Pokémon and released another ball. "Go Krabby!"
The Krabby looked upon the Wartortle.

"Wartortle, bubble!"

The Wartortle attacked with his bubble attack, but one of the scissors of Krabby protected him from getting hit.

"Great defence Gary." Chris complimented. "You are giving me a hard time."

"You are doing a great job too." Gary answered. "Krabby, Crab Hammer!"

The Krabby hurried to the Wartortle and knocked it over with his scissors. But it didn't affect the Wartortle. It landed a few meters from the Krabby.

"War, war!"

"You are sure?" Chris asked.

"Wartortle, war!"

"If you want that." She sighed. "Do you best Wartortle. You never disappointed me from the day I got you from Grandpa. And you never will!"

The Wartortle swam up until it was out of the reach of the Krabby. Though Gary's Pokémon tried to hit the Wartortle, it didn't hit it. But Wartortle wasn't only dodging away; he used he bubble frequently. Most of the times, the Krabby could avoid the bubbles, though it cost him lots of strength.

"Krabby, end it with a tackle!"

The Krabby tried to tackle it, but instead of hitting it, it bashed himself against the wall. That was the signal of Wartortle to react. He used his bite attack, but that didn't affect the dizzy Pokémon.

"Go Wartortle!" Chris yelled. "I know you can do it!"

The Krabby tried to get on his feet again, and after a few seconds it was standing again, at his trembling legs.

"Come on Krabby!" Gary encouraged his Pokémon.

But the Wartortle used his skull bash and the fight with Krabby was over….

"No, no, no!" Gary yelled and beat his fist at the desk. He returned Krabby.

"Relax!" Chris yelled. "There is no need to break it all you know! You have 1 Pokémon left so the fight isn't over yet!"

Gary took his last Poké Ball.
"Here is my strongest water Pokémon." He revealed. "Go Blastoise!"


"Wartortle War!"

Everybody became silent. This was a fight where Wartortle would get a hard time winning. A fight against evolved forms is usually already lost at the beginning.

"Do you still want to do it yourself?" Chris asked concerned. Her Pokémon nodded. "Please, be careful." She whispered.

"Blastoise, do your skull bash!" Gary ordered.

Chris crossed her fingers while the Blastoise attacked. Suddenly, the Wartortle vanished.

"What was that?" Gary asked.

"I'm sorry Wartortle." She whispered to the Poké Ball. "But you can't win this. He is too strong."

Gary looked at his niece who had returned Wartortle. What would be the next Pokémon she would use, he wondered. He didn't see anymore Poké Balls at the desk.

"Are we going on fighting or are you giving up?" He asked arrogant. Chris didn't react. "I see you don't have anymore Poké Balls…."

Chris smiled. "You are forgetting one Poké Ball." She said. She took her necklace off. "Professor Midol designed this one especially for me." She took the little Poké Ball of her necklace.

What, Gary thought, that's also a Poké Ball? He wondered what it for kind of Pokémon would be. It must be the unidentified one, he thought. He looked at her while she tossed the ball at the battlefield.

Gary swallowed 2, 3 times and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe this, this wasn't true! It just couldn't be!

"Gary." Chris said confidant. "Meet my 3rd Pokémon. You like her?"

"This is impossible!" He yelled. "She can't be a Pokémon."

"But she is…." Chris said. "Aemilia is a Ditto!"

Gary looked astounded to Aemilia. With the same smile as Chris she looked at Blastoise, who seemed to be surprised too. He looked back to his trainer.

"No need to doubt you know." Chris said. "My 'unidentified' Pokémon is just a Ditto I trained in a very special way. That's what's making her so unique!"

** Note: Yes, Aemilia the Ditto can breathe underwater. If a Ditto can copy a water type and be underwater, surely they can transform themselves in a way so that they can breathe underwater in a different form **

"A good looking Pokémon is nice, but it has to fight too. Blastoise, skull bash! We'll prove an original is better than a imitation!"

The Blastoise hurried to the blue-green haired girl, but she stood still. She didn't seem to be afraid of the oncoming Blastoise-train. At the last moment she turned into a Vaporeon and became invisible.

"Where is she?" Gary asked.

"Ask her yourself." Chris answered.

Gary looked around him. Like his Blastoise, he didn't see a Vaporeon. But he did see something else. While he tried to catch his breath, he stared at the image that looked just like him!

"Blastoise!" The image started. "He's the fake one!"

It can talk too, Gary thought astounded. "No Blastoise, I'm the real Gary!"

"Blastoise, don't listen! You know who I am. I'm the best Pokémon trainer!"
"He!" Gary yelled. "I don't sound like that! Do I?" Chris smiled. He finally found out, she thought.

The Blastoise became confused, looking from Gary1 to Gary2. He didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, Gary2 turned into a Shellder and used its ice-beam. The Blastoise was hurt by the attack, but it didn't hurt him too much. It was just distracted.

But that was the goal of Aemilia. She turned again into a girl and she looked with her purple eyes to the Blastoise and than to Chris. Chris only nodded. Aemilia turned herself in a Blastoise and attacked with her own skull bash attack.

"What was that?" Gary pushed himself against the glass of his dome in the hope he could see what have happened. Though they were underwater, he could see the smoke very well. A little submarine appeared.

"To protect mankind from devastation."
"To unite everybody within our nation."
"To denounce the evil of friendship and love."

"To extend our reach to the moon above..."

"And Shane!"
"Team Rocket! Blast off with the brightness of light!"

"We are the best, that's right!"

"You've got to be kidding me." Gary said. "Not now, not in the middle of my greatest fight!"

"My gym!" Chris yelled, seeing her glass gym in shards. Water was floating inside and most of the walls collapsed under the pressure.

"That was for giving Geodude and Raticate a cold!" Shana yelled.

Chris saw the gym was filling itself with water. Within a few minutes it would reach the domes they were in.

"Aemilia! Safe Gary!"

Aemilia reacted instantly and turned again in a human. She swam to Gary. She tapped at the glass. Gary took his Poké Balls and waited. He didn't know what to do. But he saw Aemilia pushing a button at the outside of the dome. And the dome suddenly lifted! All air floated away. She is nuts, Gary thought, but Aemilia grabbed him. Her purple eyes began to glow and a blue shield was formed. Gary felt he could breathe while he and Aemilia lifted up to the surface. But what about Chris, he thought.

Chris flipped a switch and her dome lifted too. She touched her necklace and the moonstone began to glow again.

"You are seeing that Shana?" Shane asked. "She is breathing underwater!"

"I don't care, where is that other brat?"

"Don't know, but she is here and we'll get her once and for all!"

Shane pushed a button and a net came out. A net, Chris thought, how pathetic. She tossed a Poké Ball in front of her.

"Kingler! Cut that net open!"

The Kingler obeyed his trainer and cut the net open.

"All right." Chris said. "Yo Double S! Do you have more of that pathetic stuff?"

"Watch this!" Shane pushed another button, revealing another net.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Chris said. She wanted to give Kingler the same command.

Shana screamed the longs out of her body. The Gyarados had returned and wanted to attack Chris, but accidentally got caught up in Team Rocket's net. With his tail, it slammed around him, trying to get free. But it didn't got free, but hit Chris!

Chris slammed against the cliff, making her necklace break. It felt aan Chris couldn't find it. She felt she suddenly couldn't breath anymore! She didn't doubt any moment and released Wartortle.


The Wartortle saw his trainer begging for air and used his bubble to provide her the air she suddenly needed. Chris grabbed her first Pokémon and together they swam to the surface.


Chris looked around her. She saw Mayla reaching her arm for her. Gary saw she didn't wear her necklace anymore.

"Chrissy, where is the moonstone?"

"I've lost it. But Wartortle saved my bud. As always he didn't let me down." She hugged him and suddenly: "Where is Kingler?"

The surface began to move. Chris climbed with Wartortle on the boat, but it wasn't Gyarados or Team Rocket that came, but Kingler, holding Chris' necklace in his scissors.

"Kingler! You're all right!" She patted him and took gratefully her necklace. "You're the best!"

She turned around, seeing a wet Gary and Aemilia. "We'd better go home." She said. She saw Gary's face. "Mayla, just start the engine would you?" Mayla nodded and went to the rudder. Chris walked to Gary.

"You are all right?" He asked. She nodded.

"Gary, meet the unidentified Pokémon. This is Aemilia, my best friend."

"I'm astounded." He said. "I didn't knew Ditto's could also take a human form."

"I'm the only one." Aemilia answered. "And Chris taught me how. She painted a girl and I took her form. She made me who I'm today."

"Than you have done quite a job." Gary said impressed. "I guess I understand everything now. But what about your gym Chrissy?"

"You know I get bored easily. I think I'll try something new." She looked at Aemilia. "Something I know we both like: travelling!"

Aemilia looked very happy. "You really mean it? Are we going to travel again?" Chris nodded.

"But first things first. I want to go home again. Now I don't have a gym anymore I don't have any responsibilities."

"Than come with me." Gary suggested. "We can go together."

Chris smiled. "All right little nephew of mine, we'll go together! But first: Mayla, to the Pokémon Centre!"

To be continued…

This was the end of Pokémon ABC - The Ocean Gym. It will be continued in Pokémon ABC - The Way Home.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Suske & Wiske FanFiction - Part 2

Suske & Wiske © Studio Vandersteen
Story idea + Story © 2004 - Kitty Ocean

De dochter van Barabas- deel 2


De volgende dag besloten Suske, Wiske, Tante Sidonia, Lambik en Jerom om eens weer op bezoek te gaan bij professor Barabas. "Zou de professor thuis zijn tante?" Vroeg Wiske.
"Ik hoop het." Antwoordde Sidonia. "We hebben hem al een tijdje niet meer gesproken."
Lambik glimlachte. "Hij zal wel weer bezig zijn met één of andere uitvinding." Zei hij. "Die man zit gewoon met zijn neus in de boeken."
"Kan zijn." Gaf Jerom als antwoord. "Toch leuk om Barabas weer te zien."
"Daar heb je gelijk in Jerom." Zei Suske. "Hij zit daar maar in zijn eentje en gezelligheid kan al heel veel doen."
Sidonia belde aan bij het huis van Barabas. Barabas deed al snel open en was verrast. "Vrienden!" Begon hij. "Wat een verassing! Wat leuk jullie weer te zien."
"Dag professor." Zei Wiske. "Hoe gaat het er mee?"
"Heel goed, dank je wel." Glimlachte de professor. "Ik ben alleen bang dat ik boodschappen moet gaan doen. Ik heb nog maar weinig in huis."
Lambik lachte. "Ach, dat is het gevolg van wetenschap hè? Dan doen de hersens het wat minder."
"Bik mond houden." Jerom porde Lambik. "Niet aardig om te zeggen."
Hersteld van Jeroms zachte por, liep Lambik naar de professor. "Geef ons maar dat lijstje professor, dan halen Jerom en ik de boodschappen wel."
"Dat vind ik heel erg aardig van jullie." Barabas pakte het lijstje.
"Ach, je kent me hè?" Antwoordde Lambik. "Edelmoedig, opofferend en gewoon heel erg aardig."
Al snel gingen Lambik en Jerom boodschappen doen en gingen Sidonia, Suske, Wiske en Barabas in de zitkamer zitten. "Kan ik jullie iets te drinken aanbieden?" Vroeg Barabas.
"Ik pak het wel." Wiske sprong op.
"Was ze thuis ook maar zo snel." Giechelde Sidonia.
"Oh?" Vroeg Barabas. "Waarom zou ze dan nu zo snel zijn?"
Suske lachte ook. "Het zal wel te maken hebben met de koektrommel die in de keuken staat."
Op dat moment kwam Wiske terug. "Professor, al uw koekjes zijn op." Ze keek een beetje beteuterd.
Barabas glimlachte. "Er staat nog wel een pak in het kastje boven de koffiezetter."
Wiske liep al weer snel weg maar kwam al weer snel terug. "Professor, welk kastje zei u ook al weer?"
"Het kastje boven het koffiezetapparaat." Herhaalde hij.
"Daar ligt niks hoor." Barabas, Suske en Sidonia volgden Wiske naar de keuken.
"Warempel!" Zei Barabas. "Je hebt gelijk Wiske. Wanneer heb ik die dan opgegeten? Of heb ik soms muizen in huis?"
Op dat moment keek Suske naar buiten. "Professor, kent u die zwarte auto?"
Barabas keek naar buiten. "Nee, hoezo Suske?"
"Die auto zag ik al toen we hier aankwamen en hij rijdt hier nog steeds rond." Suske keek eens goed.
Wiske glimlachte. "Ja hoor, onze Suske ziet weer spoken."
"Hoe verklaar jij het dan?" Vroeg Suske boos.
"Die arme drommels zijn gewoon de weg kwijt." Antwoordde Wiske terug.
Suske vouwde zijn armen. "Ja natuurlijk, geloof me dan maar niet." Hij liep terug naar de kamer. Opeens gilde Suske.
"Suske!" Gilde Wiske en rende de kamer in. Daar stond Suske, bevend.
"Mijn hemel, kijk eens naar dat arme baasje." Sidonia nam hem in zijn armen.
Barabas wilde graag weten wat er was gebeurd. "Ik schrok gewoon heel erg professor; er stonden opeens 2 mannen naar binnen te gluren."
Wiske keek bedenkelijk. "Zouden die soms uit de auto zijn gekomen?"
"Onzin." Antwoordde Sidonia. "Die twee hadden gewoon het verkeerde huis."

Wordt vervolgd...