Episode 5: Have a break, have a beach party!
By 'Whisper Shadowhunter'/ Kitty Ocean
© Nintendo (their characters) and Kitty Ocean (my characters)
She looked around her. She must have been fallen asleep. Where was Gary? She stepped to the mirror and started to wipe off the black lines. Though she looked like a clown, she didn't care. As always, she adapted very quickly to the new situation. Mr. Cram told her that was her great power: if you face a problem, don't avoid it, adept! So Chris decided it wouldn't help if she kicked that darn Jigglypuff, so if she saw it, she just let it sing. It would help to get a descent sleep. She now knew why Gary didn't want her to meet that creature. Where was that arrogant kid anyway?
She stepped out of the house and looked around. He wasn't anywhere. Just like his Pokémon, Gary had vanished. She called her Lapras to her and put it in her Poké Ball. After that, she walked to the beach and released Lapras.
"Okay Lapras, let's see if that kid is with his fans." She stepped on her Lapras and it brought her to Raindrop Island.
She saw a bunch of girls having fun at the beach. 3 girls were playing with a Frisbee, and 3 girls were sitting under a parasol. Chris shook his head. If she didn't look after him every minute, he would skip his training and would go back to his fans. And he promised her 3 days ago he would train every day so he could defeat Moonshadow when the fight was there.
Chris ordered Lapras to swim to a part, which laid a couple of hundred meters from the girls. After she returned the Lapras to his Poké Ball, she started to walk. She heard already the girls giggling.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm still the greatest." She heard him say. He took some grapes. The Blue-haired girl handed him a glass of lemonade. He drank. "And you know I'll never give up. I'll find that gym before you can sing another of your great yells."
"Wow Gary, and what does your niece say about this?" He heard a girl ask.
"She doesn't even know I'm here. She says I have to train, but I'm so good I can even defeat her."
"Wow…." He heard the same voice say. "Why don't you prove it?"
Gary took his sunglasses off and looked shocked at his niece. "Ehm… euh… Chris… hi…."
"I'm still the greatest." She repeated him. She took a Poké Ball. "Well, prove it! If you can defeat me, you can defeat Moonshadow."
Gary shook his head. "No, I'm not gonna fight you." He remembered how good she could be. He decided to wait.
Chris lowered the Poké Ball. "Why aren't you training? You still want to defeat Moonshadow, do you?" Gary nodded. "So what are you waiting for? You have a long way to go."
"Can I at least have a break?" He asked annoyed.
"Than your break is over now. No pain, no gain." She looked at the disappointed face of her nephew. She sighed a bit. "Well, I guess I can use a break too. Shall we surf?"
"You can surf?" He asked. Chris nodded.
"Do you?"
"Of course!"
"Why don't you try standing at the board for longer than 2 seconds. It would help." She said while she looked at Gary who was trying to get on the board for the 5th time. Poor Gary, she thought, it's good for him his fans can't see him here.
Gary stepped at the board again. Finally, he had found his balance. "Look Chris!" He yelled. He saw his niece shaking her head. Why did she do that? And from what was that great shadow he saw appearing? He looked back.
Chris felt sorry for her nephew and surfed to him. "Maybe you'd better sit at the board." Gary coughed. The wave had hit him hard. He looked at his niece, who surfed at the waves if she had done nothing else in her life. That is the advantage of living at an island, he thought, and he looked at the Pokémon who swam to Chris. The Starmie blasted some water at her, trying to get her loosing her balance. But she stood at the board like a brick wall. The little Wartortle, her first Pokémon, tried it next. He tried a tackle. Unfortunately, Chris couldn't avoid it. She jumped up, but she missed the board and fell in the water.
"You little…." Chris started and pushed Wartortle under. After that, she dove under and followed the Pokémon who tried to escape from her. Thank God there are only Magikarp here, Gary thought, while he waited until his cousin would reach the surface again. But she didn't came….
"Chrissy?" Gary yelled, but there was no response but the waves who were breaking on the beach. "Chris?" She had be back by now, catching her breath. Where did she go? He got worried. "Chrissy? Chrissy?" he tried again.
"Where were you?"
Chris stepped on her surfboard again. Gary saw that her moon-shaped necklace started to lose his glow. "Underneath the surface. Were you worried about me? No need for, I can hold my breath for quite a while."
"You sure can." Gary said. He saw her surfing to him again. "Wanna go home?" He asked to her.
"Nah, I like a day off. I don't want to go home until the moon is at his highest point. Let's stay here, at the beach."
"But what will we eat?" Gary asked while he peddled back to the shore. "I'm getting hungry and I'm sure the girls want something to eat too."
Chris didn't answer, telling Gary she was thinking. After a few minutes they came to the same place where they had left. Gary's fans were waving at Gary and Gary waved back.
Gary stepped of his board and walked back to the shore. Chris hadn't said a word since they decided to go home. "Everything okay?" He asked.
"I was thinking. Why don't we have a barbecue?" The girls were obviously exited. "And maybe we can invite the whole island. Mayla can prepare great dishes. I'll ask her. You'll stay here while I'll arrange it."
Chris tied her skirt around her waist again and walked of the beach. She felt the warm sand between her toes. It felt wonderful. Yeah, she thought, I could use a break too, definitely.
Before she knew it, she reached the Pokémon Centre. She wondered if it wasn't further away, but hadn't been there for a whole week. The first 4 days she was still recovering from the poison and after that she helped Gary train. She walked into the Centre and went directly to the phone. She didn't see the 2 people standing around the corner, hearing everything.
"Okay, it's a great idea…. Yes of course…. I'll call the West Side of the island…. Mm-mm…. Uh-huh…. I'll ask Ron if he'll help and I'll ask Mr. Cram too. Good luck! Bye!" Mayla hang up. "Ron?" She shouted at her brother who was feeding the Pokémon. "We have a party tonight. Would you call the West Side off the island while I'll get the stuff? Great! Love you!" She didn't give him time to reply, so he couldn't say no. I still have it, she thought while she looked at her younger brother. She took her coat and walked outside.
"Pssst…." She heard someone whisper. "Over here."
Mayla walked to the people who were trying to get her attention. "What do you want?"
"What we want? What we want? To protect vegetables from devastation."
"To feed everybody within our nation."
"To denounce the power of the meat we love."
"To feed the people so they reach the moon above..."
"And Shane!"
"Team Rocket! Delivers faster than the speed of light!"
"We are the best, that's right!"
Mayla looked at them. After that, she clapped 3 times. "Wow, great yell." She said bored. "What do you want?"
"Didn't we make ourselves perfectly clear?" Shana asked.
"Ah, not really." Mayla turned around. "Sorry, your yell didn't impress me. Try again later. I have work to do."
"But that is why we're here." Shane said while he hurried to her. "We are from the famous Team Rocket Catering!"
Mayla sighed and turned around. "Never heard of you. Now if you'd please GO!"
Shane stood before here. "Look, we are caterers and we know you are having a party tonight. If you hire us, we'll make the perfect meal." Mayla doubted. "We promise it will be the best meal you ever ate."
"Look…."Mayla started getting annoyed.
"We're not expensive." Shane added. "For a matter of fact, we'll do it for free!"
"All right." Mayla said. "Now you really convinced me NOT to hire you. Goodbye, have a nice day." She walked away.
"Did you see that Shane?" Shane nodded. "She won't let us prepare the meal no-one will ever forget. Well, if you don't reach your goal at once…."
"Than try again…."
"No Mister, you're the 10th caterer today who asked me to hire them. I'll do it myself!" Mayla walked away angry. What was wrong with those caterers? It was just a little beach party. By the way, she thought, there are a lot of caterers suddenly. When you need them, you can't find them, and if you want to do it yourself, they're suddenly everywhere!
"If you don't succeed at once…." Shana started.
"Than try it again…. Oh Shana, we tried it already 10 times. She wants to do it by herself."
Shana started to beam with geniality. "My dearest Shane, you just gave me the perfect idea!"
"Hi Mayla!"
Mayla avoided Blade's look. "I just want some stuff for the barbecue."
"Anything else, your loveliness?" Mayla shook her head. Jeez, this Blade could be a really pain in the bud! He saw her annoyed looks in her eyes. "Anything wrong? I hope it isn't me…." He said trying to be funny. He saw her looking with another devastating look. "That will be a hundred bucks." He said angry.
"So cheap? What's wrong with this stuff?"
Blade started to laugh out load. "No, no, my sweet Mayla, I got it with a great discount." He took a big wooden car. "Onix will bring it to your house." He started to pack everything while Mayla took the money and left it at the counter. After that, Blade called out Onix and gave the huge Pokémon his command. Blade helped Mayla on Onix and looked until they were reached out of sight.
"It was a great deal!" He said proudly. "I'm so smart. But I still wonder who that beautiful purple-haired woman was…."
Music was playing and people were happy. This party was the greatest idea I've had within 3 years, Chris thought. She looked around her. All her Poké friends were there, swimming and playing with the other Pokémon from the island. She saw Gary, and it seemed he had some new groupies. His fans extended to a number about 10 girls. And Gary seemed to like it. He's back, she thought.
"I wonder where Mayla is staying…." She asked Nurse Joy.
Nurse Joy took a sip from het glass and answered: "She'll come. Did she ever let you down?" Chris shook her head. She couldn't remember a moment where Mayla disappointed her.
"It's awfully quiet. Where is Blade?" Chris suddenly wondered. Nurse Joy didn't know.
"To be honest, I hope he won't show up. Jenny could use a break too. He Jenny, I'm here!"
Officer Jenny walked to Nurse Joy. "Hi Joy, how nice to see you. You are looking great tonight. Well Chris, I've got to admit, you've done quite a job."
"You've got to thank Mayla too, if she ever comes to bring the food. People are getting inpatient. What's a beach party without any food?"
"I hope it will be worth it." Chris suddenly heard. She looked back and saw Mayla riding on Onix. The huge rock Pokémon stopped before the tables and Mayla and Blade jumped of it. "Blade helped me with getting it to here. The van broke down, so he was the only one I could call."
Blade unpacked Onix and laid some dishes at the table. Everybody was surprised Blade could be so nice and some people wondered what Blade planned to do. He'll cause trouble, that's for sure, they thought.
As soon as the dishes had made their entrance, people started to eat from the delicious food Mayla had made. She also had made food for the Pokémon and they loved to too.
A little Vulpix loved the food so much; his trainer gave him an extra portion. All loved it, and nothing seemed to matter. Chris was satisfied. She walked to Officer Jenny.
"Miss Jenny, don't get me wrong, but… where is Blade?"
"I just saw him at the fruit table." She said and pointed at him.
"Blade!" Chris yelled, while she and Officer Jenny ran to him. "Put that down! What where you trying to put in the food? Sneezing powder?"
"It was just some salt. What's wrong with you?" Blade looked very insulted. "Can't you give me a break? Just once? What did you thought I would put in MY OWN food?"
Chris let Blade go. She felt a bit ashamed. "Sorry…." She mumbled.
"That will teach you! You people always accuse me of things I never did!"
"That's because most irritating things that happen here are your fault!" Chris answered irritated.
Suddenly, a glass broke. People ran to Mr. Cram, and wondered what was wrong.
"I… I can't move!"
And al of a sudden, other people felt paralysed too.
"Blade!" Officer Jenny shouted, but she saw Blade couldn't stand up either.
All people heard laughter. It was far away, but they heard it came closer. And before they knew it, a big balloon floated over the paralysed party people.
"To protect mankind from devastation." She started.
"To unite everybody within our nation."
"To denounce the evil of friendship and love."
"To extend our reach to the moon above..."
"And Shane!"
"Team Rocket! Blast off with the brightness of light!"
"We are the best, that's right! We've come to steal your Pokémon!" Shane shouted from above.
Great, Chris thought, not again. But she also felt her strength was floating away.
"How was the food? I hope you all loved our special paralyse powder!" Shana added to irritate the people. She pushed a button.
While Shana pushed the button, a huge net came out of the balloon. It looked very silly. But after that, the balloon started to float lower. And before all the people, who couldn't move anything, could do anything, all Pokémon were picked up. All Pokémon were paralysed too. Their trainers could hear them desperately cry for help, not knowing what to do. Chris used all her strength and took a little Poké Ball.
"Go Psyduck!"
"Great, now we're doomed." Gary said.
"Ehm, Chris…." Shana asked. "Were you trying to stop us with a Psyduck? Are you that desperate? You know what a Psyduck can do, don't you?"
"Yeah, like nothing!" Shane added giggling.
But Chris had confidence in the only free Pokémon.
"Okay, Psyduck. Do your stuff!"
Shana looked at the Pokémon, who seemed not to know what to do. She started to laugh. "You've chosen the dumbest Pokémon of all! But don't you worry, after we've brought these Pokémon to our headquarters, we'll come back for Gary and you. Don't feel left out."
"I'm not sure if I want that." She took a deep breath. "All right Psy…. What is the square root of 32? And what is 234 x 5678?"
"Psy? Psyyyy?"
"What is she doing?" Blade asked curios.
"What's she doing? She is saving our bud!" Gary said proud. "She's giving Psyduck a headache!"
"Where lies Spin City? What kind of a badge can you win at the Fuchsia Gym? Who is the owner of the Saffron Gym?"
Gary started to help: "Psyduck, do a tango! Get me a drink! How do you spell: Gary the Greatest? Sing a yell for me!"
With his own kind of weird way he is helping me, Chris thought. But Psyduck needed more headaches. She took 3 deep breaths.
"Cover your ears!" Gary shouted, seeing what his niece planned to do. But the people were too paralysed to cover their ears and couldn't escape from the high and hard scream of Chris. It was silent, but after a moment….
"We did it!" Gary yelled. "Psyduck is ready for action!"
The Psyduck's eyes began to glow and turned blue. Team Rocket didn't know what to do, because they were still recovering from Chris' scream.
A blue beam shot out of Psyduck, which split the net the Pokémon where captured in. But the Pokémon didn't fall. A blue ball took them kindly out of the net and dropped them easily at the ground. Still paralysed, they laid at the ground.
"Shane…? Did you hear something also?" Shana asked.
"What? What? Can't hear you! Speak up a bit." Shane yelled.
"What?" Shana asked.
The blue beam continued to do his work. It lifted Team Rocket out of the sky and the balloon suddenly broke. All the air went their own way, not longer trapped by the fibres of the balloon. But Psyduck had it's own ideas of dealing with Team Rocket. He lifted them out of the balloon. Psyduck let the balloon go, letting it drop at the beach.
"Shane…? What's he doing?"
"Never mind…." She sniffed. "Looks like Team Rocket has left the building…."
"Psyduck, you're the best!" Chris said to her confused Pokémon. It didn't remember yet what he had done. The headache was suddenly over.
"Okay…." Gary started. "What'll we do now?"
Everybody looked around him. Nobody had stood up yet.
"Where is a Gloom when you need one…." Gary sighed.
Officer Jenny sighed relieved. "It doesn't matter. All the Pokémon are here save and sound."
"But we can't move!" Blade said annoyed. "What about that?"
"Guess we have to stay until the paralysing powder has lost its power." Nurse Joy said smiling. "And Gary, you are ready for your next hint. If you where looking for the Ocean Gym, where would you look for it?"
Gary was astounded. He received his second clue! He looked at Chris. She smiled at him.
"As soon as the powder doesn't work anymore, we'll leave." She said. "Just look at us! This isn't the beach party I had planned!"
Mayla started to laugh. "I know. But it sure was fun, wasn't it?"
To be continued…
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